“Because I didn’t have it in me when we were freshmen in college.”

I lean back against the counter. “Okay, let’s see this.”

She pastes a big smile on and flutters her lashes at me. At first, it’s cute and funny. But when she waltzes up to me and places a hand on my chest, I forget that she’s goofing around.

With her hand on my pec, palm over my heart, I forget everything except the feel of her touch.

“Do you happen to have a Band-Aid?” she asks me, all breathy, her face suddenly seriously looking. Then she runs her hand down my chest an inch, then back up, dragging her fingers along.

“Um… Band-Aid? What?” I’m so caught up in the feel of her, so close, it’s tough to think.

“Yeah. Because I think I scraped my knees… when I fell for you.”

“Oh—ha. Ahh. I get it. A schtick.”

The serious, pouty look gives way to a grin. She taps my chest with her pointer finger. “See? I razzled you. I dazzled you.”

“The Maddison Razzle Dazzle.”

Before she can pull away, I slide my hand up over hers. I hold her palm to my chest. When I inch closer to her, I feel heat roll through the gap between us.

Her breath hitches. “It’s blinding, right?”

“Totally blinding.” My voice is a mere growl, because holding her this close is doing something to me.

Maybe I really did get razzle-dazzled.

“Where’d you learn a pickup line like that, anyway?”

“I know a bunch.”

“Tell me another.” I want her to keep talking. Because maybe if she keeps talking, we can keep doingthis.

I want to hold her like this for hours.

“If you were a song, you’d be a hit single.”

“Hrm…I don’t know. Jury’s out on that one.”

“What, too cheesy?” she asks.

“Way too cheesy.” I wrap my hand around her lower back.


I’ve wanted to hold her like this ever since I first hugged her.

Now we’re alone in the diner, holding each other, and my whole body feels like it’s on fire.

I run my fingers up her back, then back down. I like the soft feel of her new top. The pink color looks perfect on her, too, and the ruffled, capped sleeves make her look like an angel with little wings.

“You try one,” she says.

“Okay, how about this. You look beautiful tonight, Maddison. Like really, really beautiful.”

Her eyes hook on mine. “No, I mean a cheesy one. Not—are you—I mean, was that serious? You really think?”

“I really think.”