Do not screw this up.

On the other end of the line, Clint chuckles again. “I understand, Maddison. And please, call me Clint. If you think you’d like to work with me, I’d like to get moving as soon as possible. I happen to know that Bobcat is looking for a four-quadrant film. Yours ticks all the boxes. I’m having lunch with Stanford Moss this afternoon and if you like, I can talk up this script of yours.”

“That would be incredible. I’d appreciate that.”

“That’s a yes?”

“Yes. Please. Clint, let’s sell this thing.”

“I like the sound of that. Let’s do it. I’ll have my PA get you some paperwork. Let me tell you something, Maddison—I get to read a lot of movies. A lot. Most are vetted by my team before they land in my inbox. I assume you got my contact info from Sylvester? How’s he doing these days?”

“He’s okay, I think. He and I have separated. Actually, you might hear rumors so I might as well tell you: he tried to get a producer interested in this movie, even said it was his…”

“Is that right?”

“I’d like to keep that quiet, if you don’t mind. But, between you and me. I had a lawyer help me with the copyright, so it’s clearly mine now. I’m sure Sylvester will back down now that he knows I have documentation. I still can’t believe all this even happened.”

“Ah. Well, that’s the way these things go in this business sometimes. I’m sorry to hear that. It’s good you had a lawyer involved. When we get a little further along in the process I’ll have my team look everything over. I am truly glad you had a way to reach me—because like I said, I read a lot of movies. And it’s rare to see one this good. This funny. I laughed so hard, my wife came into the office to see if I was okay.”

Pride blooms in my heart.

He thinks my movie is good.

I wrote arealcomedy. The kind that gets big laughs, like I hoped it would.

“Thank you, Clint.”

“I mean it. I don’t ever say things I don’t mean. Life’s too short for that and we’re all too busy. And speaking of busy, I’ve got irons in the fire over here that I can’t ignore a minute longer. I’ll give you a call to let you know how lunch with Stan goes.”

When he hangs up, I drop the phone on the sofa and then stare down at it in total shock

Outlaw pads down the stairs. He bumps me with his nose, then wags and wiggles.

“I did it,” I whisper down to him. “I wrote a movie that’s gonna sell… without Sylvester’s help.”

The thought of my ex reminds me of the number one to-do item on my list today.

I have to return that freaking engagement ring.

It’s not mine.

I don’t want it.

If I keep it in my purse, it’s a matter of time before I lose it, or worse—my mother spots it. She’d never let me hear the end of it, if she knew I wore a diamond like that without telling her about it.

It stinks, not having a car. There’s no way I’m bumming a ride to the Hopkins Marriott from Roxie, either. She’d talk myear off about how great Nick is, and I’m not in a good headspace for that right now. It’s like Nick and I finally found some solid ground to stand on last night, and a visit with Roxie could cause an earthquake.

I clip Outlaw to his leash and lead him to the door. Before stepping through, I scroll down my contacts for the number for the local taxi company, Green Cab.

Chapter 25


My jaw stretches open.

My ears pop.

My eyes water.