It grew quiet as Isaac stood there indignantly grinding his teeth, his dark eyes fixed on me. Phantom wore a guarded look, but he didn’t respond.
“We weren’t there, guys. We don’t know what was said and what events took place after the fact. There’s nothing we can do about that…”
My words faltered when suddenly my left ass cheek began randomly vibrating. After realizing it was my phone, I closed myeyes and inhaled the deepest breath I could muster before blowing it out and fishing it out of my pocket.
It was Father.
Perfect fucking timing, Dad.I was about three seconds away from backhanding the fucking taste out of Isaac’s mouth.
“Yes, Dad?”
Phantom and Isaac straightened their spines then, their eyes trained on the device as I put it on speakerphone.
“Haven’t heard from you in a couple days.” He sounded tired, flustered, almost. “Thought I’d check in. Did you do as I asked?”
I gnawed on my inner cheek, my tight glare flicking over to Isaac who smirked at me, his green eyes vexed. “It could’ve gone better.”
Father let out a sordid sigh. “Did she have any info to report?”
“Some,” I answered. “Damien knows she’s been recruited. She’s been ordered to provide updates on her progress in the trials. She contacted him Sunday morning. He knows she passed.”
“And that’s it?” he questioned.
“Well… she did say something else. It-it’s about her father. Does the name Nicholas Campbell mean anything to you?”
Father swore softly under his breath, but it wasn’t soft enough to mask it through the speaker.
“According to Samara,” I continued, sharing looks with my brothers, “Damien told her the Ravagers are responsible for his disappearance. Is that true?”
It fell deafly silent for a long, long moment.
“Nicholas Campbell,” he started, pausing again to blow out a breath that had my brothers and I skeptically raising our brows at one another, “is a discussion meant for another time, preferably in person.”
“So you do know him then?” Isaac asked aloud.
“I’m… familiar with him, yes. But as I said, that is a discussion for another time. I have more important matters I need to speak with you three about that can’t wait.”
“What is it?” I asked. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m afraid not, Son. As of tonight, about a dozen of our crew will be assisting security with guarding the academy’s perimeter.”
“Why?” I demanded, my brows furrowing. “What the fuck is going on?”
“I finally spoke with Griffin last night. He informed me that Damien has put a 100k cash reward out for Ginger and those girls. There’s a crew of triplets roaming the streets known as the Bling Brothers. According to Griffin, this crew has stormed through Sinclair, Alesi, and Crane’s territory trying to hunt them down. It appears as if Damien is under the impression that the girls are still here in the Valley. Even with the lack of evidence tying us Ravagers to the crime, it’s only a matter of time before they start wreaking havoc on our turf. Reinforcements will be there for at least a week, so I need you boys to stay put at the academy a while longer and help protect the students just in case the triplets get any unwise ideas to storm the grounds. It’s possible this crew may or may not have backup assisting them. If they do show up accompanied, you know what to do. Light the bastards up.”
I looked to my brothers, who each nodded, their game faces on.
IgroanedweaklyasI opened my eyes and rolled over, pressing my palms flat against the concrete floor, my limbs heavy and stiff as I pushed, easing myself up on my feet. My fucking back ached from having to sleep on the cold, intolerably stiff floor. Small traces of a headache still lingered from the wine I’d drank last night—well, what was left of it, anyway. I may or may not have had another outburst and smashed two tall racks of expensive bitter booze on my first night of solitude.