There aren’t any.
I storm to the door and rip it open.
And stop still.
Amusement, dark like sin, is on his face, those sensuous lips turned up in a lascivious smile.
He holds out a bottle. “Water?”
I snatch it from him.
“Do you want food, Pollyanna?”
“No. I want clothes. I’m not going to be kept naked.Sir.”
“Shower’s through there. I’ll have clothes here tomorrow.”
Then he has the nerve to just turn and walk away from me.
And this time I don’t make the mistake of thinking I won the battle.
At all.
Fuck my life.
Fucking Pollyanna.Dressing her is both fun and torture. So is my hands-off policy in private.
Saturday was phenomenal. Her weird ass stripper outfit was perfect. I really hadn’t thought of going to her place until I called her with the idea. I wanted to push her, see how she’d react to me, and after I knew she wouldn’t take the out I gave her, I needed to test boundaries.
And have some fun.
Damn, she has moves. For everything about her that’s pure and innocent, something dark, deep, and sexy lies within. If she was a girl who drank hard liquor, it’d be rum. Not just any rum, but a rich, gold Cuban rum with the crisp, dry fruit and honeyed center.
Her fucking dance was one of the hottest things I’ve seen, and part of that was because it wasn’t practiced. And when she tasted herself and offered her finger to me…it took everything in me to hold back and not lose my shit right then and there.
I let her go to work on Sunday and to school the next week.
But she was watched every step of the way. I’m not aboutto let my toy be touched. I don’t fucking share. And I don’t trust idiots.
She went home Sunday night and didn’t complain when I brought her to my place most nights afterward.
My plan’s simple. She’s going to move in here tonight and she’s not going back to school or to her jobs. I’ve already arranged for the school deferment, and her little jobs are the type that don’t require notice.
Tonight, we’re heading to a party.
This is the official coming out. The big move.
I haven’t touched her since the night I tied her up. The frustrated anticipation is an ache in the air, so strong I can slice through it. And I’m not the only one who feels that way.
Staring down at the outfit I’ve put together, I know it’s a sure winner. Cream, simple, pretty. A touch of virgin about it.