Tears well in her eyes and they’re glassy with need. Her hips move and I’m not even sure she knows she’s doing it. Gyrating against the back of the sofa like she can find some kind of release.

“Tell you what, Ivy. If you truly hate this, if you don’t find there’s any pleasure in it for you, a compulsion to do this for me, then I’ll let you go. This isn’t a bet, it’s a deal. The only one you’ll get from me. You can just tell me you don’t want this. Look me in the eye and say that, or part your fucking pussy and ask me to look.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. Just tell me you don’t want it and I’ll never touch you again.”

The blood pumps hard in my veins. The room’s atmosphere is taut, loaded. This is risky. But I don’t think she’s going to walk away. I’ve opened something deep inside of her, and even though she hates it, she craves it even more.

A sob cracks in the air and her hands move. I move around to the other side of the sofa.

And there it is.

Her hands holding her pussy lips open for me. They glisten, a little tremor fluttering the folds like she’s having an orgasm.

“Good girl, that’s perfect. But you know you’ll need to be punished, don’t you?”

Her breath comes in short gasps and her hands shake. I think my girl is on the edge of an orgasm, and all I’m doing is looking. But the battle of wills pushed her right to the edge of that pleasure, and she grinds against the sofa.

She wants to come and she’s waiting for me to bring it out of her.

Suddenly, all my plans fizzle in my mind like day-old soda. I can’t think, I can’t breathe. Her heady scent has my head in a twist. All control is lost when I drop to my knees, put my hands over hers and bury my head between her thighs, feasting on her like she’s my last meal.

And that fucking taste ruined me.



The touchof his tongue on me is electric.

At fourteen I wasn’t even remotely thinking about Mercer like this sex god who could control me with the flick of his fingers and slide of his eyes. It was more a hearts and rainbows kind of crush like the sweet romance novels I used to devour. Yes, there would be sex, but it was more him being manly and loving, gently holding me as he showed me exactly what to do, and then everything faded to black.

That drippy scenario, not even truly baked except for pastel watercolor swirls, is nothing compared to this.

Now, he’s raw and wild and his tongue and mouth are both soothing and beyond heart pounding.

He knows how to kiss. How to touch. How to…oh God, oh God, oh God, this is good. So good. The broad sweep of his tongue up along my slit is sweet fire as his fingers dig into my ass, pulling me open even wider than when I did it.

It’s beyond filth, beyond humiliation. It’s something I didn’t know I craved until he started talking to me like that.

Like a toy.

A thing.

A gift just for him.

And I hate myself for feeling this way, I really do, but I also have a deep need to please him. I want to do all the things he tells me to do. I want to give in. I want to fight. I want to see what punishment and torture are like beneath his hands and?—

A high-pitched wail fills the air as he brings his bottom teeth and lip up against my clit.

It’s me. I’m the one making that sound.

My breaths turn into sharp pants. What he’s doing…the scrape and suck and whisper of his mouth against my nub is too much, and not enough at the same time. I whimper as he lets go of my left ass cheek. He can’t stop. I need more from him. I need him hard and deep in my pussy. I need a full-on invasion that hits every single part of me, over and over until I light up like the Rockefeller Christmas Tree.

Ever since he commanded me at Orb, I’ve been sliding down into something dark, sinister, and so alluring. Down into him, held captive under whatever terrible spell it is he weaves.

The sounds of him eating me—the growls, the slurp and suck, the growly things that fill the air which accompany every morsel of pleasure he gives me is almost too intimate. I want to hide my face. I don’t want him to see me when one of his fingers starts to toy with my pussy, teasing my folds before pulling out. I don’t want him to see me as he slides that finger along the outside of my quivering lips. And I definitely don’t want him to see me as he slides that devious finger around the tight rim of muscle between my ass cheeks and sends cascades of euphoria bursting free. He can’t. See. Me.