I drag my eyes up over his hard, broad chest to that face ofsharp angles and strong jaw, the mouth that’s sensual even when it’s pulled into a hard, tight line.
His dark hair is messy in a just fucked kind of way and he needs a shave.
He’s not sophistication caged in danger as he was when I last saw him.
This version of him is primal, free, and deadly.
My breath hitches when his gaze catches mine, promising that when he lets me go he just might take a piece of my soul along with it. My entire body throbs with understanding.
And my pussy aches with need.
I stare at him. In that moment, I have the weirdest urge to bow my head, place my hands behind my back, and drop to my knees. I want to offer him whatever he wants. I want to serve.
I wait for the shock to seep into my mind.
Or disgust.
Or horror.
But the only thing I feel is deep-seated need.
Flaming hot desire.
Mercer’s eyes gleam like he can read each and every one of the thoughts, emotions, and physiological responses flooding me.
“Pollyanna. You don’t seem to be enjoying your night out. Not even your little dance.”
I knew it.
Iwasbeing watched.
By Mercer.
He leans toward me, his lips playing at my earlobe. “He touched my property. And you didn’t like it. Did you?”
I shake my head, not daring to speak because the word sir is right there, wanting freedom.
A shiver shoots through me, right down into that empty space deep inside that begs to be filled. “Ican kill him for you.”
He pauses, his fingertips sliding down the side of my throat.
“Just say the word, Pollyanna, and it’s done.”
“W-what? Why?” I manage to squeak out.
“You already know the answer. Nobody touches what’s mine.”
The naked shockthat blooms on her face when I say those words is so worth me showing up to this shithole.
She stares at me, mouth agape, like her world just became inverted and nothing is as it should be…or ever will be again.
I didn’t track her here to enjoy the ambience of this hole-in-the-wall dive with the kind of music that… Christ, I can’t really even call it music. It’s just a jumble of angry screams and wild, thrashing beats that have zero harmony.
I came here to make my move. Let the games begin.