“We both know you can be stubborn to the point of self-destructive.”Hedoesn’t know shit, but I let him talk. “Don’t—don’t break her.”

“Who?” I ask, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel and staring out my front windshield at the lines of cars clogging up the parkway.

“You know who I’m talking about. I think she’s paid for what she did to you.”

“Do you now? Too bad I don’t give a shit what you think.” And then I hang up on my longtime friend and occasional nemesis.

Becausefuck that.

I twist my key in the lock at my triplex once I finally get home. As I step inside the foyer, Ivy storms up to me, her face flushed, eyes flashing with anger. She folds her arms over her chest. “If there’s someone else…”

“Is that a threat?”

“No.” She’s practically shaking with outrage. “But you have me here, all by myself, and you don’t come back fordays. If you left to screw someone else, I’ll—I’ll?—”

She suddenly stops yelling. And now I’m intrigued.

“You’ll what? Kill me?” I can’t have her pissed off at me tonight, so I don’t press any more of her buttons than I already have. Pun intended. “No screwing to be had. I had some private things to handle.”

Ivy steps closer to me, her face bright red. “Where do you get off making me your prisoner?” Her words spew from her lips like razor blades, each one cutting me deeper.

Orion’s words loop through my mind as I kick off my shoes and head upstairs without a response. I’m dusty and dirty and desperately need a shower. I’m also severely tempted to drag her in with me, but I leave her at her door, gaping behind me.

“I asked a question.”

“I heard you, Pollyanna, and the answer is you’re not my prisoner. You want to go somewhere, go.” We both know I’m not going to allow that, at least not in the way she wants to—alone.

But I’m tired. My little cowardly sabbatical did fuck all to rebuild my crumbling control. It did zero to cool off the fever that rages in my blood because of her.

It’s good because it adds authenticity to my claim on her, to make her more desirable to pieces of shit like Henderson, but I don’t want it. Or like it.

I turn on the shower, then look at her over my shoulder. “By the way, your friend?”

Her eyes suddenly light up. “Cara? Have you heard from her?”


Her shoulders slump. “I thought you might know if she’d been in touch. Her roommate said she was with family.”

Maybe she is and maybe she’s not, but until I put those feelers out I don’t know shit.

“She probably is.” I turn back to the glass enclosure. Steam from the shower rises, clouding the air. “We’re going out tonight. I’ll be back to choose your outfit.”

“Yes,” she says, “sir.”

Fucking brat.

I smile.

She’s going to pay for that.



If I got dangerouslyclose to taking Ivy’s pussy before I left three days ago, I’m straddling the thinnest fucking line right now.

She stands in front of me, naked with a hint of defiance in her expression. Perfect, luscious flesh, mine for the taking.