I pull up the Obsidian website, Harry’s FixIt. It’s so fucking generic and out there in the open that anyone’s eyes would glaze over in boredom. Not that anyone even knows to look.

I type up a message to one of the other Knights.

I need an estimate on a blocked drain.

Then I press send.

A minute later, I get a reply.

Sure thing. Tomorrow? 10 am?

Perfect. Will send address and #.

It’s time set up my first move.



My apartmenton Irving Plaza between East Fourteenth and East Fifteenth feels both too small and way too big when I get home. The place is beautiful with a private terrace and large floor-to-ceiling windows.

But it’s way too small to contain all the things whirling inside of me. Too big now that Elise is gone.

I shower, scrubbing myself as if I can wash away Mercer’s touch. And then I find my biggest, oldest pajamas, pull them on, and make some hot chocolate. I find some rum in the back of the pantry from when my parents used this place as their New York home and pour in a bit to take the edge off.

Looking around, I realize the money I could probably get for this place could have funded most of Elsie’s treatment. I had planned to sell it after graduation, but we’re both so attached to it because it’s the only tie we have left to my parents.

I drink the spiked chocolate down, brush my teeth, and drop into my bed, willing sleep to come.


Mercer Vale.

The name is on my mind like his gaze, his breath, his touch on my skin. Hot and way too intimate. Way too disturbing.

Everything—everything he did to me was wrong. But what’s worse was me liking it…or maybe like is the wrong word…me reacting to it like he flipped a switch inside of me. A kink switch I never knew existed.

When he commanded me with his hard gaze, soft words, and demanding touch, my whole being reacted. I wanted to lose myself in him, the man I hate.

Mercer touched me, and not the way I’d dreamed of years ago—that had been a glitter wonderland of a just fourteen-year-old’s childish fantasies that involved kissing and handholding.

I might have been fourteen, but so sheltered I probably thought that was erotic.

My pussy is still sensitive and swollen. Even when I press my thighs together, little sparks of need and pleasure slip through me. I can still feel the invasion of his fingers.

I scrunch my eyes tight, heat flooding my cheeks.

If those fingers of his can stretch me, what the hell would his cock do?

Nope, no. I’m not going to find out. I’m not going to see him again. He?—


I’m going to have to help him to make sure she’s safe and has the treatment she needs. After all, it’s my fault she was in the car. If I hadn’t fought with Dad and refused to go, Elise wouldn’t have kept the peace by going in my place.

If I’d gotten into the car the way I was supposed to, I’d be the one needing the treatment, not her.

It’s so unfair. Elise is a shining light. She’s funny, sweet,and has such drive. Smart as a whip, too, and a fabulous athlete. She deserves to reclaim her life, to make her mark on the world just as she’d always planned as a competitive tennis player.