Page 104 of Lethal Lover

“You knew Branko and Luis would be here?”

Alek shakes his head. “Hoped is more like it. But he was always going to be yours. And Luis was tagged by Quinn.” His lips lift. “Looks like you both got what you came here for.”

Quinn and I exchange a look. “I think we can both agree we got way more than what we bargained for.”

Alek nods. He turns away from us and joins Luka and Taras in helping to release the girls.

I grasp Quinn’s hand. “I’m so sorry for everything. Letting you leave last night, making you believe that I was willing to walk away—”

He slides a hand down the side of my face. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m gonna collect for all that, babe. I saved your life just now, too, big badass assassin. You owe me.”

“I’m pretty sure I saved you first.” I wrap my arms around him and jump back when I remember his stitches. “Oh, shoot, did I hurt you?”

“I’d risk bleeding out to feel you plastered against me.”

“Oh my God, I love you so much.” The words tumble out of my mouth, and I crush my lips to his, losing my fingers in his tangled hair. The kiss is long and deep. I refuse to break away from him.

I never will again.

“What happens next? Another mission? We’re a pretty good team, yeah? LikeStarsky & Hutch.OrBatman and Robin.We should make this team official, yeah?”

I quirk an eyebrow. “You want to incorporate or something?”

He pulls me toward the staircase again. “No.” With a grunt, he slowly lowers himself to his knee in front of me.

“Oh, sweet Lord, here? In the middle of a sex den?”

“It’s gonna be memorable, yeah? Just like the day we met and celebrated our sham wedding. I know the night sure as hell was unforgettable. And I wanna relive that, over and over and over.” He grins at me, his face swollen and bluish purple. “I want you, Val. Every little pain in the ass thing you do or say, your control freak tendencies, your need to always be right. It makes me crazy and hot at the same time. Most of the time, I don’t know if I wanna throttle you or fuck you.”

“Wow, this is just way too romantic. I don’t know if I can handle hearing any more of your poignant words.” I roll my eyes, snickering.

“I just know that if you’re with me, everything will be okay. Good. Perfect. Our kind of perfect.”

“Which is actually super dysfunctional.”

He shrugs. “That’s what makes it perfect.”

“You’re insane.”

“I know. I keep coming back to you.” He smiles. “And I always will… because I’m fucking nuts about you. I love you, Val. Be my wife. My real one. Forever.”

“Are you seriously proposing to my sister right now?” Taras stomps toward us. “You didn’t even ask for permission, prick.”

Quinn glowers at Taras. “I don’t give a fuck what you want. I only care about what Val wants.” He looks back at me. “If you say no, it’s gonna make me look bad in front of your asshole brothers,” he mutters.

My shoulders shake with laughter. I can’t even believe this is happening right now. I avenged my family, saved these girls, and scored a proposal from the man I am head over heels in love with all in the span of a few minutes.

“I know he’s a little tough to take, but I promise he’ll grow on you,” I say to Taras over Quinn’s shoulder.

“Yeah, like mold,” Taras grunts, turning away with an exasperated sigh.

“I should have saved the proposal for another time, I guess.” Quinn grins at me, his lip split but his eyes glowing as he stares at me with intensity that makes my insides melt like ice cubes in the summer sun.

“No.” I hold him tight. “I think we both realize that you can’t put off today what you want for the future because you just never know if you might lose your chance. I don’t want to miss mine.” I smile, my heart thundering against my chest. “So, yes. I will marry you, Quinn. I want more than anything to be your forever.”

