Page 97 of Lethal Lover

“Hey, lady, what are you looking for? Bathroom is up there.”

I force a smile and nod. “Oh right,gracias.”

I throw up in my mouth a little when he doesn’t walk away, shuddering under his leering stare.


I take a few steps toward the bathroom, and he finally disappears back into the kitchen.

Time to move…fast.

Back down the hallway, tucked right next to the back exit is a steel door with a deadbolt. I pull it open. A tearful voice behind me hits my ears.

“Please help us.”

It’s the girl from the hostess stand.

I turn and put my hands on her upper arms. “That’s why I’m here. Show me where the others are.”

She nods and stumbles backward, pointing at the door and shaking her head.“No aquí.”

I follow her around another corner, this one pitch-black. She disappears into the abyss, and I put out my hand to guide me along.

“Wait, I can’t see,” I say in a loud whisper. “Are you there? Turn on a light.La luz?”

The space is suddenly drenched in light, and fuck me, I really wish it wasn’t.

Four men stand in front of me with AR-15s in their beefy hands. A tall, dark-haired woman dressed in a long red sundress slides between two of them.

It’s the woman from outside SLK… the same one I saw at the casino on my fake wedding night.

A rich perfumed scent mixed with fried plantains hits my nostrils and almost makes me gag.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I try to speak, but the words catch in my throat along with the thick lump already lodged there.

“Hello, Valentina.” Her lips quirk upward, an evil smile stretching across her tan skin. Her dangly gold earrings glint in the obnoxiously bright overhead light. “My name is Maria Rojas. I see you’ve already met my daughter, Marisol. My associate, Branko, said you’d be dropping by for a visit.”

Maria Rojas, as in Sofia Rojas’ daughter, the one who supposedly partnered with Branko years ago.

I somehow keep my jaw from dropping.

There is so much in her words that has me reeling.

Like how the fuck could Branko possibly know I’d come here today?


My fingers ball into tight fists.


I’ve been duped.

A chill shudders my insides.

Someone in Alek’s inner circle leaked our plan to the enemy.Again.