Page 73 of Lethal Lover

I wave my hand at him. “Yeah, yeah. What the hell ever, Sev. Now give me the keys to one of your really sweet cars. I’m gonna have some fun with it on my way to SLK.”

“Take the black Tesla.” Alek pulls a set of keys from his pocket and drops them into my hand. “Don’t you need the address?”

“I told you, I was going no matter what. I already got the address.” I wave the phone in the air. “Google, bitch.”

I don’t waste another second before pulling open the door and running down the stairs. I don’t even want to waste a second waiting for the elevator. Val needs me. I don’t give a damn what she said before she left. I don’t believe a word of it, and it’s not just because I’m falling hard for her.

She’s doing what she thinks she needs to do, what she feels she has to do to get to Branko and shut him down for good.

But I’m doing what I need to do, too. I won’t leave her on her own to battle that fucker. I wasn’t able to save Niall, Conor, or Dad. I caused Patty and Kyla’s accident.

I have to be able to save someone; otherwise, what the hell good am I?

The patsy Sev has made me out to be?

Fuck that.

I click the alarm and jump into the Tesla. It’s not my kind of car. I prefer mine with loud motors. Muscle cars with power. This car is bullshit. No noise. No fucking controls anywhere. It’s like driving an iPad, for Christ’s sake.

Once I figure out how to start it up, I drive to the exit. The security gate lifts, and I hit the gas and fly down the private road. From what I remember, the safehouse is about thirty minutes outside of the city and through the desert.

The sun dips low, just peeking over the top of the purple mountains on either side of the straight desolate road. I speed past cacti and weird-looking desert-type bushes. I’m too far out to see the lights of Vegas, but Val can’t be too far ahead of me. I stomp on the gas and the damn car doesn’t make a sound.

“Fucking pussy car,” I mumble, sweeping past screens on the display. It’s too quiet in here. I need some music, preferably something with a lot of pounding and screaming to get my head straight. I stab a few icons on the screen, trying to keep my eyes on the road at the same time.

The sky darkens. A hint of light in the distance tells me I’m getting closer.

I hit some more icons when a dark shadow darts across the road a few feet away from me. My hand slips. “Fuck,” I yelp, swinging the steering wheel in the opposite direction. I press down on the gas, maneuvering the car back onto the road. But it doesn’t speed up.

It slows down.

And then it stops. Right in the middle of nowhere.

What the hell?

The display screen goes black.

Realization bitch-slaps me.

That bastard.

He did this. He never intended for me to go after Val, but he knew I’d find a way to get out of the safehouse.

So he gave me one. And then took it away.

I slam my hands on the steering wheel. “Alek, if you’re listening, I’m gonna fuck your shit up, you prick.”

Even though the car shut down, I can still get out. I shove the door open and give the side of the car a few good kicks. “I’m gonna pound the shit out of this stupid-ass car.”

A flash of light from behind momentarily blinds me. I raise a hand to my eyes to block it, then instinctively reach for my gun with the other hand since I’m alone in the dark fucking desert with no help for days. I pat my pockets down and groan at the sky.

Of course, I forgot the stupid burner phone back at the safehouse.

Tires squeal against the pavement. I keep my hand on my gun, gripping the handle tight.

A blond head pops out of the passenger seat. She flashes a bright smile. “Hey, sweetie, you got car trouble?” She leans back the slightest bit to give me a look at the fake tits popping out of the top of her dress. “You need a ride? A date?” Her smile widens. “Both?”

The back window slides down. I catch a glimpse of another two girls piled into the seat. They could be porn stars, hookers, or escorts for all I give a damn. I need help. And I’ll play along so they give it to me.