Page 49 of Lethal Lover

“They can’t know we were together last night. Now put those on… fast. I don’t know how much time we have before—”

That’s exactly when the knock comes. I shit you not.

Alek must have some sixth sense about him, sick bastard that he is.

All the color drains from Val’s face.

I didn’t hear what he said to her on the phone, and she didn’t have time to clue me in. But based on her stricken expression, I don’t think it was a congrats on your first-day-of-being-bullshit-married kind of greeting.

“This is not going to be good,” she hisses before jogging over to the door, unhooking the chain latch and twisting the deadbolt.

No kidding.

Like I didn’t see that coming a mile away.

I collapse onto the couch, my hands dropping to my sides. I glance down at Val’s lacy black panties, ball them up, and shove them into my pocket when I hear Alek’s deep, menacing tone. He barges into the living room, his blue eyes focused on me. He doesn’t acknowledge the mess, the candles, or the excess of booze consumed. He just keeps his murderous eyes pinned to me.

Boris Vetrov is behind him. He’s one of Patrick’s business partners in New York. Brutal and ruthless, the perfect kind of pairing for my brother.

“Whose fucking idea was it to leave this suite last night?” Alek growls. He fires off a look at Val, then turns back to me.

“How’d you even know we left? Aren’t you being a little presumptuous, coming in here and accusing us of doing something without really even knowing?” I spring up from the couch, nowhere close to the huge Russian’s seven-foot-tall frame. Folding my arms over my chest, I take a few steps toward him. Alek is a master of intimidation and there’s no way I’ll cower to him, no matter what he’s been rumored to do with the Zippo lighter he keeps on him at all times.

I heard he seared off a guy’s hand tattoo once. Fucking psychopath.

Boris speaks to Val under his breath. I grit my teeth when Val shakes her head and covers her face with her hand as he murmurs something to her.

“You forget, Mulligan. I have eyes and ears everywhere. I see everything.” Alek’s jaw twitches. “And I know everything.”

“Okay, then you already know that I’m the one who made Val go down to the casino last night. Right? The short fuse, loose cannon that always causes shitstorms everywhere he goes?” I point a thumb at my chest. “All me.”

“So then can I logically deduce that it was also you who decided to go fucking rogue vigilante on a group of low-level soldiers for a sex trafficking cell operating here in Vegas?”

“Ahhh… yeah.” I put my hands up. “Guilty.”

“No, you’re not.” Val sighs and walks into the room. “Even though out of the two of us, Quinn’s the one most likely to start a shitstorm, he’s actually trying to protect me. Going after those guys was my idea.”

I furrow my brows. “Wait. How do you even know about that? Us not being here I get. You could’ve called or—”

He glowers at me. “Or watched the security feeds I had installed once Heaven checked into the room,” he growls.

Val’s eyes widen, her face horror-stricken.

“Well, I’m sure you caught quite a show at the after-party, then.” I can’t help the smirk from tugging at my lips.

Alek doesn’t look even remotely amused. In fact, he looks like a guy who’s damn close to stabbing me with the butter knife lying on the kitchen island.

“So, you saw that we weren’t here. But that doesn’t explain how you know that we were trying to save an innocent girl from being taken.” Val quirks an eyebrow. “And I’ll repeat that in case you didn’t hear me the first time. We saved an innocent girl from being kidnapped from her own bachelorette party. Saved her life, the life she’s about to start with her significant other. If you’re waiting for me to beg your forgiveness for using bad judgment, forget it. We did the right thing.”

Boris lets out a deep sigh and his shoulders slouch lower than they were a minute ago. “You did a good thing, but at what expense? Take a look at this.” He holds out a phone and clicks something on the screen.

I walk over, wondering if Alek is trying to kill me with his mind as I pass him.

Although, if he wanted me dead, he’d just tear my head from my neck. Why waste the brain power?

“What’ve you got?” I squint at the screen over Val’s shoulder at the dark images. “Oh shit, it’s us.”

“How did you even get this?” she gasps.