Page 108 of Lethal Lover

I… can’t… do it…

My eyes droop closed, and the world goes dark around me.



Istorm around the hospital room, fisting my hair. After listening to all the sordid details given by everyone to the cops, I’m shaking with fury.

So much anger and hostility rages deep in my chest, and there’s nobody left to unleash it on.

Normally, my choice would be Alek. But we’re all battling the same demon now, which puts him on my side.

Who the fuck would have ever thought that could happen?

I glance down at Val sleeping in the bed. The heart monitor blips and bleeps, and I swear, my own heart rate is through the damn roof right now. They oughta hook me up to one of those things before my chest explodes.

“You have to calm down,” Patrick says to me. “You’re wearing a hole in the floor, for fuck’s sake.”

I turn toward him. “Would you calm down if it was Kyla lying in that bed?”

“Kylahaslain in that bed, dumbass. And no, I couldn’t stay calm, which is why I destroyed the fucker who put her there.”

“So that thing about glass houses and you know… pebbles.” I crack each of the knuckles on my left hand.

“I really hate when you do that.” Patrick shakes his head. “And I don’t live in a goddamn glass house. You really need to learn the fucking saying. All I meant was only get pissed off and vengeful if there’s something you can do about it. Otherwise, what’s the point?”

“I don’t know, okay?” My voice rises. “All I know is that I heard my fiancée scream her head off and that she was shot by the backstabbing son of a bitch, Boris. Boris, who pretended to help us, to help her, to help fucking everyone. And all the while, he’d secretly planned to torch us all.”

Patrick rubs his hand over the back of his head. “I opened the family up to him. I brought him into our organization.”

“Yeah, but he’d already known Alek and the Malikov family. He was already in. You just didn’t know it.” I stop next to the bed and reach for Val’s hand. I bring it to my lips, the other one hooked up to an IV drip that’s been giving her fluids.

“It could have ended badly,” Patrick says, a grave look on his face. “Really badly. Thank God Luka heard her.”

Someone knocks on the door. I grit my teeth. “Come in.”

Alek pokes his head into the room, Luka follows close behind.

“She hasn’t woken up yet?” Luka asks, walking toward the bed.

“Not yet.” I swallow hard.

I should have been the one to kill fucking Boris, not Luka.

I should have been able to protect her from him. From anyone or anything that could hurt her.

Like he can read my mind, Luka narrows his eyes at me. “Stop thinking that.”

I squeeze Val’s fingers in mine. “You don’t know what I’m thinking.”

“I think we all do,” Alek says. “Because we’ve all felt the same thing. Don’t blame yourself. She’s fine. She’s going to wake up.”

“This time.”I fist my hair.

“If you don’t want to make it a regular thing, then you’d better take your head out of your ass and learn a little diplomacy,” Patrick says with a smirk.

I flip him off with my free hand. “How the hell did this even happen? Why did Boris shoot Val? Wasn’t he supposed to be like a father to you guys?”