Page 103 of Lethal Lover

Something pops out.

My brows furrow.

This doesn’t feel right…

I cast a quick glance down.

It’s a fucking corkscrew. A shuddering breath expels from my lungs.

It’s okay, I just need to try again. He’s still babbling about how he’s going to take over the world or whatever the hell. I have time. I can just—

Branko suddenly turns, his lips twisted into a grimace. He lunges for me, his eyes glittering with victory.

I yelp when he grabs me by the hair, and I drive the mini-corkscrew into his neck.

“Who’s the big winner now, asshole?” I pull it out and then jam it right into his eye. Blood gushes from his wounds, spewing onto my clothes. He falls to his knees, the corkscrew still sticking out of his impaled eye. He clutches his neck, his mouth wide-open and unable to make a sound.

Forever silenced, just like all the innocent girls he snatched and sold.

Quinn rolls to his feet and dives at me. We collapse onto the ground. My back hits the hard concrete, the air rushing from my lungs with a loudwhoosh.

The small windows lining the ceiling crack and shatter. Bodies crash through, dressed head to toe in black. Masks cover their faces. A blast of gunfire scrambles my brain.

“Stay down,” Quinn yells, covering me with his body.

The explosion of bullets drowns out my sobs. They hit the stucco, lodging into the walls. Bottles crack, glass flying into the air. Branko’s men fumble for their weapons, yelling in Spanish. Quinn pulls me to the stairway and shoves me underneath.

“Where are you going?” I scream when he staggers back into the melee. One of the guys in black tosses him a gun. One of Branko’s men jerks left and right when his chest is peppered with bullets. He goes down, his gun crashing to the floor next to him. I slide out from under the staircase, reaching for the gun.

I grasp it just as Luis points his gun at me. “Drop it now or I’ll choke you with my cock before I—”

His body buckles, a shot blasting through the front of his chest.

Quinn stands over his body, panting, sweaty, and looking a lot like Rocky Balboa after fighting… well,everyone.

“Nobody disrespects my wife,” he growls, giving the guy a kick in the head. “And I’m the only one whose cock she’s ever gonna choke on.”

He drops to his knees next to me. “It’s over.”

I look around at the fallen men, my gaze lingering on Branko. For so many years, he haunted my family, devastated us with loss, guilt, and regret. He caused endless amounts of pain to so many people. My goal was to eradicate him from the face of the Earth.

Mission finally accomplished.

“You did it, babe. You got him.”

I swipe at my eyes with the back of my hand. “Quinn, I—”

The men dressed in black move toward us. My spine stiffens. I recoil as they get closer, my train of thought derailed.

Then one of them removes his mask.

“Luka?” My jaw drops, slamming on the floor in front of me.

He nods. “You didn’t really think we were letting you come here alone, did you?”

“But how did you know to even come down here?”

Taras and Alek pull off their masks. “After you left, we pumped June for more information. She remembered a few more details and we put it all together. We checked the building once you went inside and confirmed the girls were down here.”