Evie meets my thrusts with her own, grinding her clit into me until I feel her walls spasm. I grab onto her shoulder and fuck her through her release, holding on until the last second. Only when she finally relaxes do I allow myself to spill inside her.

Heels dig into my ass, trapping me in the best way. I love when she lets me go soft inside her warm cunt, and I love it even more when she lets me sleep with it inside of her.

“Beautiful,” I say, taking in the design we created together along with my girl. “My own personal masterpiece.”

Chapter 8

It’s three in the morning and what am I doing? I am getting up because apparently, I asked for this. Alexi threw a pillow at my head and Lev shoved me out of bed when the crying started.

I tried to tell them it was someone else's turn, but then got scolded when I almost woke up Evie. She hasn’t had much sleep in the past few weeks. So, I’m up, on baby duty.

They all said I was crazy to want to adopt a baby, and said it was way more work than a toddler or even a six or seven-year-old. But when those beautiful brown eyes looked up at me, I just knew. And so did Evie.

The moment she held him in her arms, I could see her love as clearly as I can see it for any of us. So, I fought for it and now here I am, at three in the fucking morning.

Flicking on the dim lamp when I enter the room, scooping up the little one into my arms as I stroke a finger over his beautiful face. They said he was small for his age, but he’s already growing so fast. I know all of us agreed we didn’t want children, but this is different. He isn’t ours by blood, but he will be spoiled as if he were.

Quietly, I head down the stairs of our new home and out to the large backyard. The weather has been so beautiful here lately, but I know it is bound to get cool any day now. The nights still have that perfect crisp scent in the air that Azazel seems to crave for some reason.

Placing him on his feet, his cute little paws prance into the grass so he can do his business. If he weren’t so damn cute, I would have returned him to the breeder after the first three nights.

Like clockwork, this pup thinks three in the morning is the perfect time to go for a nighttime stroll around the grounds.

I watch him carefully, making sure he doesn’t wander too far because he’s still only six pounds. Evie has been working late nights to help Nessa. So much has begun to change that we needed this getaway to our new place.

The sound of a little growl has me scanning the trees. The second I see my little buddy running towards me, I go on defense. If a coyote or something is out to get him, I will send him packing.

But the little fucker just runs right past me and into the arms of my girl.

“Hey there, Az.” She scratches him behind the ears as she picks him up. His tongue darts out to lick every inch of her face, making her giggle. “I missed you too, buddy.”

I feel bad because I must have been the one to wake her. Dark circles sit under her eyes, proof of how tired she really is. Yet, when she walks up to me with our little guy in her arms, she looks like she’s wide awake.

“Hey there, Sunshine.” Evie kisses me, and all of my frustrations about being up at this time of night fly out the damn window.

She passed out the minute she got home, and I didn’t get the chance to even say good night. Lev practically carried her to bed after a shower. I was in a meeting online with the club discussing a new shipment of alcohol. By the time I wrapped up and made it to the room, she was practically snoring in Lev’s arms as Alexi got in next to them.

“How’s everything going at the club?”

I toss my arm around her shoulder as she places Azazel on his feet, so he can mark a few more spots before he goes back to bed. Eventually, we want him to sleep in the room with us, but he whines in the night still, and we all struggle with getting enough sleep as it is. So, until he is sleeping through the night, Evie made up a little room for him.

“Good. How is everything with Nessa?”

Evie closes her eyes and leans into my side.

“I think we have found something, I’ll need all of you next week.”

I hold her close because this is a big deal.

“We’ll be there. Laney is ready to pick up at the club when needed, and we have Adrian and Akio to ask for help too.

She looks off into the distance. I know that so much is weighing on her right now. The truth is, our girl is too good for this world. She cares too much.

She will fight tooth and nail to straighten out the underworld if it’s the last thing she does. Evie is one of the strongest mafiaqueens to ever rule. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with her. I just hate to see the stress affecting her so much.

“Hey,” I say, turning her chin towards me. Her storm cloud eyes look up at mine, some of the darkness in them fading. “Want me to take your mind off of everything?”
