I look at both of them, then see the anger in Lorenzo’s eyes. It hits me. Lorenzo left early on Friday, after he was with Ellie. Elias shows up with a random black eye.No. Please no.
“Did Ellie . . .?” I whisper. He doesn’t need to say a word to confirm what I’m asking.
“Aurora! Look who the guest is!” Elaina comes running toward us with Ellie. Ellie looks at us all, figuring out what’s happening, then runs way with Elaina. She told them. Aurora looks for a second before turning to me. “Ellie? But . . .” she hesitates, before it hits her. Her eyes widen. “You’re Violet!?”
So many surprises.
I sit on one of the chairs, a table in front of me, my head banging into my arms softly as I wait for Oliver to get my coffee. This can’t be happening to me. We haven’t even boarded the plane. We haven’t even gotten to New York. It is too early for anything to be happening.
Elias knew. He wasn’t surprised when he saw Ellie, or Lorenzo. He knew from the day of the concert, from what Lorenzo told me. He knew at the library. All this time.
This is going to be chaos.
Oliver’s footsteps get louder, and he places my coffee in front of me. “Are you going to sit here and bang your head all day, or are we actually going to get on the plane?” Oliver asks me. The plan takes off in over an hour, and even though everything is checked in, we need to start being organized. I’m the host. God, I’m the host. I need to get up.
I raise my head, then take the cup and take a sip. When I get enough of the hot substance, I place it back on the table. “I need the seating plan. It won’t work the same way anymore,” I tell him. He takes the paper out of his blazer pocket and passes it to me.
I look at the paper. Business class has paired seats, three pairs in each row. Meaning we all sit in the same row. The plan was for Lorenzo to sit next to Elias, Aurora with Elaina, Ellie sitting next to me. This is both Ellie and Elaina’s first time flying, so seating them together alone wasn’t a good idea. But now, after everything that’s happened, I have to rearrange the seating plan.
Ellie won’t sit by any of the guys. But I can’t move Elaina; I promised her that she could sit by Aurora so they’d be together. So, Ellie doesn’t have much of a choice.
She’d find it easier to sit with Lorenzo, since she’s known him longer, but that would mean I sit with Elias. I want to avoid that as much as possible. Especially now. I mean, her and Elaina are next to each other anyway. She’ll be fine if she’s with Elias. I don’t really have any other choice.
I guess Elias and I are switching. I draw a curved arrow to indicate our switched seats. I just have to hope they don’t kill each other in New York. I can’t change the rooms.
I get out of my chair, holding onto the piece of paper. Oliver does the same. “Where are they?” I ask him.
“Lorenzo and Roland Jr. are at the end. Ellie and Ellie number two are together talking. Ellie number two’s sister is looking through her carry on, making sure she has everything she needs, I presume,” Oliver answers. I really need to give him their names.
I walk toward the seating area. “Elias, Elaina, and Aurora. Please don’t call him Roland Jr,” I specify. He follows behind me to the departure area. When I get there, Aurora notices me, zips the bag up, and stands. Ellie and Elaina are sitting together. Elias and Lorenzo are sitting in the middle, seats apart. They look like they’re going to kill each other. I feel the weight on my chest get heavier. Great start. What better way than a fight, caused by you. Between friends. God, I hate myself for this.
I turn to Oliver. “Can you call them for me?” I ask him. I’ve done enough. I just need them to calm down the fight until we get there. I have no right to ask them for that though. I’m the whole reason there was a fight in the first place. I still don’t know what the fight was about. Lorenzo should’ve been as angry at me as he is at Elias.
Oliver nods his head, turning to the seats. “The plane is in an hour, boys, can your sudden rivalry be postponed?” He tells them in a loud voice, catching both their attention. They bothwalk toward me, as does everyone else. I extend the piece of paper, so everyone can see.
“This is the seating plan,” I announce, almost sighing with my words.
“Why am I next to Elias?” Ellie complains.
“You’ll be near Elaina, you don’t get both,” I tell her. She frowns, crossing her arms. I don’t have any other choices, so she’s going to have to deal with it.
“I don’t think Elias should be next to her. You don’t want her to start the trip with trouble, do you?” Lorenzo comments. I drop my arms to my side and look at him.
“What happened to postponing the rivalry?” Aurora questions.
“What rivalry, it’s just a warning. Elias has shown he causes problems,” Lorenzo adds. I tilt my head to the side slightly, looking at him with pleading eyes. Please, Lorenzo, just calm down until we get to the hotel.
Elias looks to him, offended. “Says the guy who gave me a fucking black eye,” he spits.
I close my eyes and drop my head. Deep breath. It’s going to be okay. When we get to New York, we’ll clear everything up. I’ll make sure Lorenzo understands the situation, and everything will be fine.
I raise my head again, and say, “Both of you, please, just let us get to New York. We’ll figure things out later, but the plane is going to start boarding soon, and we need to get going. Please,” I beg, keeping my voice stable. They both stop then.
“We better start heading to the gate then. We wouldn’t want to be late,” Lorenzo mutters, moving past us and walking the other way. I turn around to let my eyes follow him. He’s angry at Elias. He’s angry at me, too. He has to be.
“Get ready, I’ll be back,” I tell them, following after him. He’s walking, so I easily catch him when I’m close enough. “Lorenzo!”I call. He stops and turns around, and I see his gaze soften weakly. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew?” I ask him.
“Because it didn’t matter. What would you be able to change? Other than stopping me from going,” he answers.