Page 63 of Tear of Destiny

Noah’s brow creases, and he looks at her incredulously. He opens his mouth to say something, but Frances doesn’t give him the chance.

“I’m warning you, drop it. Or maybe I’ll reconsider keeping quiet about this… perverse thing you two have going on.”

Her words are like whiplashes. Frances walks toward Noah, snatches the pouch out of his hand, turns around, and leaves his apartment without another word. We both stand here speechless, staring after her.

“I’ll talk to her again,” he says, running his hand through hishair. But I hear the uncertainty in his voice. He doesn’t believe it’ll change anything either.

Chapter 27

Imust have searched half the hunter wing for Alessandro. I had to ask several hunters for directions to his room before I finally found it. But he wasn’t there. Eventually, I found him in the cafeteria.

He’s sitting over a cup of coffee with a couple of other hunters and seems to be enjoying himself. He’s talking nonstop and punctuating his statements with expansive gestures. When he sees me coming, he stands up and waves me over enthusiastically.

“Teresa, I wasn’t expecting to see you here. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I was looking for you,” I confess.

I know my plan isn’t without risk, but there’s no other way. Noah and I have to get into his house, and this is the only way I can think of. Noah eventually conceded when he couldn’t come up with a better idea. And he’s been pretty preoccupied for the last couple of days. Another conversation with Frances didn’t achieve anything. She’s closed herself off to him, which upsets him, and we’re both wondering why she’s behaving so strangely. But right now, she doesn’t want any help. I hope thatwill change.

“You were looking for me?” Alessandro asks in surprise. “I’m flattered. What can I do for you?”

I cast a quick glance at the other hunters, and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to voice my request in front of them. But again, I have no choice.

So I try to sound as casual as possible when I say, “The party your family threw the other day was really impressive, and your mother went to a lot of effort. I didn’t get a chance to thank them properly.”

He dismisses this with a wave. “Don’t worry, there’s no need. But I’m glad you liked it despite the bumpy start. Maybe you’ll develop a taste for these kinds of soirees.”

I shrug. “Who knows? But I’d like to thank your family and maybe get to know them a little better.”

“Sure, if you really want to. Why not come to Claire’s party?” He leans forward eagerly. “That would be a good opportunity, and believe me, this party will be more to your taste,” he adds with a wink. “My parents will probably make a brief appearance. So you’ll have a chance to thank them and then get to know some of the younger generation too.”

I wasn’t expecting an opportunity like this. But the mention of her name makes me hesitate. “Claire Cunningham?”

He nods. “She’s been visiting San Francisco for the last few weeks. She’s going home soon, and we’re throwing a farewell party for her. On Saturday. So what do you say? Will you come?”

It won’t be easy being around Claire. But I can’t pass up this chance. So I nod and smile cheerfully. “Sure, thanks.”

I distractedly stuff my clothes in my bag and think about what else I should take and whether I’ve forgotten anything. It’s late afternoon, and I’m going to meet Noah. One last time, I’ll submerge myself in the goddesses’ lake in the hope of furthersilencing that voice inside me.

I put clean underwear and a sweater in my bag and my thoughts wander to the evening ahead. I’m going to spend the night in Noah’s apartment for the first time – at my boyfriend’s place. This feeling is still weirdly unfamiliar to me, although Noah himself is not. I feel safe with him and happy when I’m around him. I guess part of me is afraid that this happiness is fragile. But what’s the point of living in constant fear and anxiety? I don’t want to run away. I just want to be happy. And today I will be.

Noah and I meet in front of a coffee shop near the hospital. We’re always careful to choose a different location each time, to minimize the risk of being exposed by the Noctu or the Tempes. It’s not an easy situation, and it’s a constant reminder that we can never be together in a totally carefree way. But I don’t regret my decision for a moment.

I spot Noah a long way off. He has that smile on his face again. Not only do I find it incredibly attractive, but it never fails to make my heart race. When he reaches me, he bends forward and kisses me in his indescribable way. We’re both reluctant to pull apart, but we have the whole evening and night ahead of us.

Noah and I go down a side street where he summons a door that takes us to the Odyss. He pulls another door toward us, and we arrive at the edge of the forest. It takes us a while to reach the lake, but when we do, I’m once again deeply impressed by the beauty of this place.

I’m wearing my bikini under my clothes, so I quickly slip out of my jeans and sweater and get in the water. Once I’ve grown accustomed to the temperature, I swim a few laps, enjoy the cool water surrounding me, and look back at Noah, who’s sitting on the shore watching me.

“Do you feel anything?” he asks.

“No. No more pain and no urge to push my inner limits.”

“Sounds like you’re fully recovered.”

I nod.

“Did you talk to Alessandro?” he asks.