“She’s probably just a bit of fun for him,” says a girl with dark curls. “I mean, it was pretty harsh what Teresa did to you, and I can’t believe he still refuses to accept the truth… But eventually he’ll realize what a good thing he has with you and come back to you.”
I feel like puking. I don’t know how much more of this I can take, and my blood begins to boil. It takes a huge effort not to jump out of my seat.
“Oh sure, I know,” says Max. “He can have his fun with that girl. I mean, I doubt he had any when he was with Teresa. All they did was fight. I don’t know how he put up with it for so long. But I guess that’s what happens when you get involved with an outsider. I’m just glad he finally woke up. Ayden needs some time to find himself again, and then there’ll be nothing in our way. And I can be pretty persuasive if you know what I mean.” She laughs loudly, and her voice drips with hubris as she says, “And if he wastes too much time with that girl, then I’ll do my best to open his eyes. Whatever they have going won’t last.”
She refrains from adding, “I’ll make sure of it,” but the phrase rings out in my head. It brings back memories of Max in Ayden’s bed, looking at me with a shocked expression and covering her naked breasts with the sheet; then coming to the door and spouting all those lies; Ayden waking up and looking horrified when he sees me. Max is clearly prepared to force her way into Ayden’s life again and destroy another relationship that may be developing. She didn’t just hurt me; she hurt Ayden too.
Without thinking, I stand up and storm over to Max’s table. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kate come after me. But she can’t stop me. The girls all stare at me with expressions of surprise and hostility.
“What do you want?” snaps the dark-haired one.
I ignore her and go straight up to Max – the person I once considered a good friend.
“What’s wrong with you? What kind of ghoul are you that you can’t stand to see other people happy? Do you really have to go and destroy another relationship? Do you actually believe Ayden would ever choose you? He knows you’re a scheming bitch, and believe me, he’d never ever let someone like you get close to him. You can tell him whatever you like, but hell will freeze over before that happens. Just stay out of it. They deserve to be left alone.”
I turn around and leave the cafeteria without waiting for a reply. Behind me, I hear appalled shouts from Max’s friends:
“What a psycho!”
“Unbelievable! How can anyone be so shameless?!”
“She flips out because Ayden lets you sleep on his couch, and now she throws these crazy accusations at you.”
My blood is still boiling, and I’m glad when I get far enough away from the table that I can’t hear their voices anymore. I hope Max takes my words to heart, but I doubt she will.
I’m striding down the corridor when I hear a voice calling my name.
“Tess, wait!” I turn to see Kate hurrying toward me. She catches up to me, looking concerned. “Are you okay?”
I nod mutely.
“What Max said back there was pretty intense. I get how angry you must be.”
“I just want her to leave me alone. And Ayden too. If he really is interested in Claire and wants to be with her…” I swallow hard because it’s painful to think about. But I’m totally sincere when I say, “He should be allowed to be happy. Without Max interfering and poisoning everything. She’s a duplicitous snake, and I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner.”
“Oh, is that what I am?” asks a furious voice.
Kate and I turn around. Max is standing a few yards away, sneering at us with cold eyes.
“You’ve got a nerve flipping out like that in front of my friends in a full cafeteria! You have nothing to say to me, just so we’re clear. And if you dare talk to me like that in front of people again, you’ll get to know another side of me!”
“Oh really?” I ask calmly. “You’re completely out of touch with reality. Do you seriously think Ayden will ever forgive you for what you did?! No matter what you tell him, he’ll never trust you again. Never!”
“Ayden knows my version of the story, and I doubt he’ll believe yours when I’m done. A seed of doubt is all it takes. Plus, we’ve known each other for years. He won’t just throw that away. At some point, he’ll start talking to me again, and that’s enough to gradually bring us closer. You’ll see. You’ll be the loser in the end.”
“You’re insane,” I mutter, shaking my head.
I turn around, and I’m about to walk away when I hear a loud hiss and feel a rush of air as something shoots past me a hair’s breadth away. I turn to face her again. Max has assumed a fighting stance. Her little hummingbird Flit has transformed and is now swooping above her head, glowing menacingly. He slowly opens his beak, preparing to attack.
“Don’t turn your back on me,” Max snarls. It seems to cost her an immense effort to keep her anger in check.
“Are you insane?” I ask. “You want to attack me?! In the school corridor?!”
“I’m not done with you. You just don’t get it, do you?”
“Oh, great, so you do have something to say to me. Doesn’t mean I have to listen to you. You’re not worth another second of my time after what you’ve done. But I’m warning you: stay out of other people’s business.”
I clench my fists with rage, and I’m tempted to yell at her somemore. But I’ve said everything there is to say. So I turn to go.