“Frances,” I say. “You’re coming with us?”
“Believe me, I’d rather be anywhere else right now. But Noah asked to come.”
I raise my eyebrows and turn to Noah in surprise.
“She didn’t make it easy for me,” he says. “But we need Frances’ help with this.”
“Yeah, normally he wouldn’t want me around. But since I can be useful this time…” She groans and rolls her eyes. “I’m doing this for you, Noah. But I still think it’s a total waste of time.You’re exposing yourself to risks that you refuse to recognize. In times like these. And for what?!”
She shoots a poisonous glance in my direction. I guess she’s alluding to Travis’ trial. Its purpose is to demonstrate to all the Noctu what happens when you fraternize with the enemy and leak secrets. And she’s right. It’s basically crazy for Noah to maintain a friendship with me and help me like this.
“Let’s go,” he says, ignoring Frances’ comments.
I say goodbye to Yoru, which is always hard for me. It feels like I’m leaving part of myself behind, and I suspect he feels the same. We belong together and miss each other when we’re apart. But I have no choice.
Noah takes out his key, opens a door, and we all step through. Once again, we land in the seemingly endless space full of doors. I catch my breath and look around. Even now, this place makes me uneasy. But really, it’s extraordinary and absolutely magical. Every one of these doors takes you to a different part of the Odyss or the human world. Some of them look as if they might even take you to a whole new world. You can cover great distances in seconds moving from one place to another. The possibilities are limitless. And yet I know the dangers that lurk in here too. The fallen are never far, and they can sense a Tempes like me.
“So, are we doing this? Or do you just want to stand around in here forever?” Frances asks.
I snort irritably and take out the flute. But I’m taken aback by what I see.
“What is it now?” asks Frances, who hasn’t taken her eyes off me for a moment.
At first, I say nothing and just stare at the silver instrument in my hands, trying to comprehend what I’m seeing.
“Tess, is everything okay?” Noah asks, taking a step toward me. Very cautiously, as if he’s afraid he might jolt me out of a trance,he places his hands on my shoulders.
“The flute is surrounded by light again. But this time there’s also a fine thread leading away from it. It goes in that direction.” I hold out my arm and point ahead of me and slightly to the right. “It disappears back there.”
Noah looks to where I’m pointing, but obviously he can’t see anything.
“Maybe we don’t even need to go back to the temple,” he ponders aloud. “I wonder if we’re supposed to take one of the doors.” He turns to Frances. “We should try it.”
She scoffs, “Do you really think that’s a good idea? We don’t know how long it will take the fallen to track her down in this place. And you want me to play a flute in here?”
Surprised, I look first at her and then at Noah. “So that’s why she’s here.”
Noah nods. “Frances can play several instruments, including the flute.”
“I prefer piano, violin, and guitar. It’s been ages since I played the flute. So it won’t be an award-winning performance,” she elaborates.
She comes to me and holds out her hand, so I pass her the instrument. Frances positions her fingers on it, adjusts her posture, closes her eyes, and pauses for a moment. “Anything in particular?” she asks Noah.
He shrugs. “It says:every beginning.So I guess it doesn’t need to be a particular piece. Just try something.”
Soft, delicate tones ring out in the stillness. It’s a beautiful mellow tune that dispels some of the cold and the darkness that dominates this space. I get goosebumps and listen intently to the melody that Frances is coaxing from the instrument. After only a few beats – the beginning of the piece – more filaments of light form around the flute. They all seem to grow out of it and extend in one direction. She takes the flute away from her lipsand hands it to me.
“Not sure if that worked. I guess you can tell us.”
And I can. The threads of light continue to extend, creeping across the ground and snaking around my leg, my hips, my belly. It’s a bizarre sensation because I can actually feel their faint warmth on my skin. A peculiar tingle like electricity. And strangely, I don’t feel any fear. The threads continue to creep up my body, snaking around my arm, across my hand, and then sprouting out of my fingertips. I hold out my arm and look in the direction that the threads are pointing.
Suddenly, I feel someone behind me. Noah’s arms wrap around me. I’m surrounded by warmth, and I realize my whole body is shaking.
“Tess, you’re ice-cold,” he observes.
And that’s when I feel it. It’s as if I’m frozen stiff. Only the places where the threads are touching me are warm.
“What happened? Talk to me. Please,” he whispers.