I slowly shake my head. “I’ve run away from it all for long enough,” I say eventually. “It’s time to go back. No one knows where I am. Mom must be scared out of her mind.”
I see Noah’s hesitation. “It really would be better if you stayed here a while longer. You’re still weak, and you shouldn’t take any risks.”
I cup his cheek in my hand and look into his beautiful eyes, which sparkle like the starry night sky. I know what he’s afraid of: I could still be susceptible to crossing that line again next time I have to face a major conflict. But it won’t happen. Not again.
“You don’t need to worry about me,” I promise. “I can cope, and I have to go back sometime.”
Noah nods, putting his arms around me again and squeezing me tight. “I’ll take you back.”
I turn around and see Yoru. He looks a little stronger and more lively now, but I can also tell from his stiff movements that this has taken a toll on him.
I ruffle his fur, and he closes his eyes appreciatively.
Noah and I exchange a glance and then start walking. I take a deep breath, arming myself for what’s to come.
Chapter 3
Noah and I are standing in a gloomy street. The houses are small with grimy walls. In general, the area doesn’t inspire confidence, so I’m really glad to have Noah by my side.
“We’re not far from the hospital,” he says. I still see the hesitation in his eyes. “Teresa, you don’t have to do this,” he says slowly, his voice becoming more emphatic. “In all the time that you’ve been with the Tempes, nothing good has happened to you. You’ve been through so much and had to deal with everything on your own. It doesn’t have to be that way.”
I frown, not exactly sure what he’s trying to say.
He puts a hand on my cheek and gives me a penetrating look. “I would be here for you; I’d never leave you hanging. Please, at least consider it.”
My eyes widen, and I take a step back. “You… you can’t be serious,” I say, studying his face in the hope of finding some sign that he’s just cracking a stupid joke.
“We Noctu aren’t that bad. I’d be here for you anyway, and we’d look out for you and protect you from situations you’re not equipped to deal with.”
I shake my head and mutter, “Noah, how can you think…” But he interrupts me, moving a step toward me and laying his index finger over my lips.
“You don’t need to say anything now. Just think about it. That’s all I ask. Consider it for a few seconds at least. Think about what it could mean for us. Teresa, you know how much I care about you. I really do.” His voice is a murmur.
My head is spinning. I don’t know what to think or feel. I can’t understand why he’s suddenly saying all this.
He runs his finger along my lips, and I open them slightly and let it happen. Maybe because I’m still so taken aback, or maybe the real reason is that I don’t find his touch unpleasant at all. I like Noah; I like being near him. But does he really think we could be together? I picture it briefly: me and Noah. Could we be happy? I do have feelings for him; I can’t deny it. But the idea of us as a couple is something I haven’t considered in a long time.
“I realize this is pretty unexpected,” he says. “You need time, and I’m happy to give you that. But I hope you know how I feel about you. I guess I didn’t exactly pick the best moment to say all this.”
His breath dances over my skin; his fingertips stroke my cheek, and all I can do is gaze into his face. I see the honesty in it, the warmth, a deep affinity. Noah slowly leans forward and closes his eyes. And for a sweet moment, I feel his lips on mine. It’s a wonderful feeling, light and easy. Like a promise that I’m not even sure I want to hear.
“You found a replacement pretty fast,” says a voice. It’s as cold as ice, and I flinch. Because I recognize it. I can’t believe he’s here.
I slowly turn around and brace myself for what’s to come, but the sight of Ayden still shocks me. My legs weaken and buckle under me. Luckily, Noah catches me. I quickly pull myself together and stand straight, trying not to show any weakness.
Ayden is standing about five yards away with his arms folded. Snow is beside him, his teeth bared and his fur bristling. He looks at least as angry and dangerous as his master.
“I don’t believe this,” he says. “How could you do this to me? Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been? I’ve been searching everywhere for you for the last nine days. I even asked for help from my hunter friends. When Snow suddenly picked up your scent and ran off, I prepared myself for the worst.” He glances at Noah, and his eyes flash with hatred and contempt. “But I wasn’t prepared for this.”
It takes me a moment to find my voice and calm my emotions enough to respond. It’s not easy, but what helps is to hold the image in my mind of Ayden half-naked in bed, Max beside him, and his horrified expression when he sees me.
“How canIdo this toyou?! Are you insane?! Do you know how much you hurt me?! I trusted you, and I thought we had a chance, and then you go and sleep with Max?! Do you have any idea how that made me feel?”
My fists are clenched, and I can’t hold back. I’m angrier, more full of hate than I’ve ever felt in my life. This feeling gives me strength, and that’s exactly what I need right now.
Ayden shakes his head. “You seriously think I was fooling around with Max? You actually think I’d do that to you? After everything we’ve been through? After everything I said to you? You should know me better than that. But I guess you don’t.”
The disappointment in his voice hurts me more than if he’d just yelled at me, and I momentarily lose my balance.