Page 4 of Embracing Darkness

“Mom? What are you doing here?” Kate asks in surprise.

“Such a warm welcome. Almost as affectionate as last time I visited with your father.” She takes a few steps into the room and looks around critically. “At least you’re not drinking alcohol this time.”

“That was a party,” Kate says quietly. “And we have school tomorrow, so obviously we’re not partying.”

“Honestly, I expected you to refrain from such irresponsible behavior. As far as I’m aware, you never took part in things like that before you changed schools.”

“Why are you here?” Kate asks, trying to change the subject.

“Your father told you we’d visit again soon,” her mom reminds her.

I can’t resist pointing out, “Yes, but he also said you would call ahead and come together.”

It would be helpful if Kate’s dad were here now.

Two eyes hateful eyes shoot daggers at me. “I really wish Kate would find herself more suitable friends.”

“Teresa’s the best friend I could hope for,” Kate says quickly, and I’m really grateful for her. “She’s helping me as much as shecan to get up to speed here.”

“Are you having problems? Can’t you follow the lessons? Are you falling behind?” her mother asks anxiously.

Kate just sniffs and shakes her head. “I’m fine.”

Her mom nods but doesn’t seem to believe her. “I hope you know what’s at stake here. This is about your future. Please take your schooling seriously. You know what this place has to offer. I don’t want you to waste this opportunity.”

“Yes, Mom,” Kate replies drily, not trying to disguise her anger.

“Good,” her mother replies. “I came to remind you about the charity dinner we discussed. Your father will drive you, and we’ll spend the evening there together. I’ve already bought you a dress.”

Kate’s forehead creases doubtfully, and she hesitates, then she says, “You never mentioned any dinner.”

Her mother rolls her eyes. “Of course I did. We talked about it. I was involved in the planning. We’re raising money for breast cancer research. And I need you to be there as my daughter. I brought an invitation for you. Isn’t it gorgeous?”

Kate doesn’t look as if she’s deliberately forgotten about it, although I could understand if she had.

“You never said when the event was taking place, and you definitely didn’t say you expected me to come,” Kate insists without taking the invitation.

“Child, enough with the excuses. Like I said, your father will drive you. You can pick up the dress from home, or I can drop it off for you here.”

“I don’t want to go,” says Kate. “I have nothing to do with those people. It’s always deathly boring and...”

“Kate, you heard what I said, and that’s the end of the discussion.” Her gaze wanders in my direction. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want to fight in front of me. She glances at her watch and says, “I need to go. Anyway, now you know.”

Kate opens her mouth to say something and then thinks better of it. It’s pointless. But as soon as her mother’s gone, her fighting spirit returns. “She can’t force me this time. Those events are awful, and she can’t keep making me go to them all the time. I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”

“That was another priceless encounter with your mother.”

Kate rolls her eyes. “When will it ever stop?”

I put a soothing hand on her shoulder. “Living here at school is a good start. I’m sure you’ll gradually get to be more independent.”

Kate nods and smiles gratefully. We continue talking for a while, and then I say goodbye and head back to my room. I’m still thinking about Kate’s mother when I hear someone calling my name. I stop in my tracks and see Ayden coming toward me.

“I was just coming to find you. Charles is here today. He’s in the cafeteria with a couple of other hunters.”

“Oh, that’s great. I didn’t expect to meet him so soon,” I reply, already wondering how I should begin the conversation with him. How do I ask him about Frida, and what do I even want to know?

Ayden and I exchange a brief glance. I half expect him to say something else. A moment passes, and then he looks away and says, “You can’t miss him, and you’ll find him easy to talk to. He’s a pretty chatty guy.”