Page 35 of Embracing Darkness

My dear Charles,

You showed up late again for our deployment today. That’s been happening a lot lately, and I know why, of course. I find it hard to believe she’s actually good for you. Especially as she’s the reason you keep neglecting your duties.

I miss those times when we’d go for coffee together or to the seaside. I miss talking to you and our relaxed, easy conversations.

Now you’re always in a hurry to leave after a deployment or a meeting. I suppose that’s always the way with new love, but don’t forget that other things are important too. And our duties should always take first priority.

With love,



This is the fourth day in a row that you’ve refused to speak to me. I just don’t understand. Shouldn’t you be angry with her? I told you I saw her with another man after your dinner together. And I know you don’t believe it was coincidence that I happened to be there. But even if it weren’t, you should listen to what I’m trying to tell you! That’s what’s important and nothing else.

The way she looked at the guy. So intimate, so familiar. She had her hands on his shoulders. They were looking into each other’s eyes and talking the whole time. There was something between them. She leaned toward him, and I’m sure she wanted to kiss him. Please Charles, believe me. She’s cheating on you! I know this must hurt, but you need to open your eyes. Don’t fall for her lies. I’m here for you. You can count on me no matter what happens.

With deep affection,


Dear Charles,

I’m sad that you don’t believe me and that you yelled at me like that yesterday. We’ve known each other for so long, and we’ve always been friends. And now this. Just because of her. Yeah, maybe I was wrong. Maybe she wasn’t lying to you and the guy really is just a colleague. But the intimate way she behaved toward him, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was more between them. In any case, I’ll keep my eye on her.



In the next few letters, Frida writes about her surveillance and that she suspects there’s something off about Charles’ girlfriend. She suspects her of having another affair, but when she can’t find any solid evidence of this, she develops another suspicion.

Dearest Charles,

Someday I’ll give you these letters in the hope that they will have a stronger effect than my words to you have had so far.

It hurts me that you refused to listen to me even for a moment today. Why do you refuse to understand?! There’s something not right about her. And now I have a hunch: I think she’s a Noctu and that she’s spying on you. I know you don’t want to hear it. But it would explain so much. Believe me, I’ve been following her a lot lately, and I keep seeing things that make me suspicious. For example, she keeps meeting strange men. And she’s always wearing that chain with the pendant. She hides it under her clothes. It could be one of those containers for capturing a dying breath. And in the last few days, she kept disappearing, and I couldn’t find her for long periods. There are other indications, but I’ve already told you about those. Please Charles, talk to me!


The last two letters are very short, but I get goosebumps reading them.


I’m going to talk to you after work today. There’s no other way. You simply have to know what I found out. I know you probably won’t want to listen to me, and you definitely won’t want to believe me. But I can’t let you run headlong to your doom. You’re too important to me.




This has to stay between us. Don’t make a mistake.


I keep staring at the single sentence in her last letter and wonder what she’s referring to? What were they conspiring to do?

My impression of Frida after reading these letters has changed dramatically. Tears well up in my eyes because I realize that what Mr. Brian said to me wasn’t wrong, as I’d hoped it was. Frida had problems, and she obviously took things too far. Maybe she really was dangerous – in fact, almost certainly, when I think about the way she stalked Charles’ girlfriend. And in the end, she made a big mistake, one that she could never atone for.