Page 73 of Punt

I sucked in a breath and headed into the building. I flashed a smile at the woman at the desk.

She gave me the side eye, but let me pass. Good. After the game I wasn't up to being thrown out by someone bigger than me. Right now, I wasn't much competition for someone smaller than me either.

I headed to the elevator and hit the button for the third floor. What number was hers? Thirty-six? I should have asked the woman on the door.

I stepped out of the elevator and tapped on the door of thirty-six. It opened after a minute or two to reveal a guy about my age, with a thick beard and a bunch of piercings and tattoos.

"Yeah?" he asked. He had a pleasant speaking voice, and seemed harmless enough.

"Sorry, I was looking for Ashley Levitt." I couldn't rule out the possibility she hooked up with this guy, but I sensed that wasn't the case.

"Mailbox for thirty-nine has that name on it," he said. "Try there."

"Thanks." I managed a nod before he closed the door again.

Almost the moment it clicked shut, it swung open again.

"Hey, are you that football guy?" Beardo asked.

"Uh." I guess I could be described as 'that football guy.' One of many, but whatever. "Yeah, I am."

Beardo nodded. "Awesome. Big fan. You like good music?"

"Uh, who doesn't?" I had no idea where this was leading.

"My name is Jack. My band is gonna be the next big thing. Ice Blue Roses. Check us out sometime."

"Right, I will," I replied. "Thanks." I backed away toward Ashley's door before anyone tried to sell me anything, or get me to endorse a product. It happened often enough. Honestly if I saw my face on an endorsement, I'd probably not buy it, but each to their own.

"You're welcome, football guy," Jack called out before closing the door again.

As nicknames went, I could do worse, I supposed.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I tapped on Ashley's door.

"Please be home, please be home," I said under my breath.

I should have called or texted, rather than just turning up at her door. What kind of guy just turns up, expecting a woman to be there, waiting for him to?—

The door swung open.

"I told you, Kris, I don't want you— Oh. You're not Kris." Ashley looked adorable in black jeans, a pale blue sweater and a confused look on her face.

"I hope not," I said. I gave her a lazy smile. "Kris broke rule number one. I hope not to do that again."

Her brow creased slightly. "I think you should come in." She stepped back to let me past.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes," she said firmly. "We have a lot to talk about."



I closed the door behind him and thanked my lucky stars I hadn't changed into my pyjamas yet. The man had seen me naked, but he wasn't ready for my pink, fleecy nightwear.

"Good game," I said. Okay, I could have started with something better than small talk, but then he grinned.