Page 47 of Punt

"We're friends, nothing more," I said finally.

"Friends who hold hands?" he asked.

Crap, I forgot about that. I shrugged and tried not to panic.

"Sometimes friends hold hands," I said lamely.

"Do friends often refer to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend?" He looked like the proverbial cat that got the cream.

"Sometimes," I said. "Why, do you not have any friends? If you did, you'd know that."

Rather than seeming offended, he laughed. "Ash burns, huh? I can take it. I've taken worse from people much more famous and influential than you."

"Maybe you can go and harass them then?" I suggested.

He cocked his head. "Serious question. If you and Chase are over, then why not spill? Most girls would do it, just to make a name for themselves. Imagine the places you could take your career, if you took this opportunity."

"I must not be most girls then," I replied evenly. "I like my job. I don't need to dish dirt on friends to elevate myself. I'm sad anyone would think that's okay, but they have to sleep at night."

"How about I give you a cut of the?—"

I interrupted him. "I'm not interested. I have nothing to say. Go and sniff around some other story. I'm sure you'll find a bunch of 'most girls' if they're so common. Let them dish."

"I have," he said smugly. "I just had a nice long conversation with a Miss Brandi. She calls herself Chase's ex-girlfriend. Quite the chat. She had a lot to say. I thought you might provide some balance to the article."

"You want me to confirm the things she said?" I asked. "I have even less to say about her than I do about Chase. I barely know her."

"Do I sense some bad blood?" he asked. "A catfight or two? Love triangle between you, her and Chase?" His eyebrows rose. "Chase chose you, then broke it off?"

I exhaled slowly. "You should write novels. You're good at making up crap."

"Why would I want to do that?" he asked, with that sleazy smile of his. "Tabloids make me so much more money than novels ever would."

"If that's true," I said, "then the world is in a really sad state."

"The world is a shithole," Harvey agreed. "I'm just trying to make a living here. It's nothing personal."

It was totally personal, but I was done arguing with him. "Sounds like you have your mud. I'm sure you'll think up an ugly angle that'll make you a fortune. I hope you stop and think, some day, about the people you hurt while you try to make a living."

"Ironic for someone who works in the fashion industry," he said. Before I could respond to that, he turned and walked away. He seemed way too pleased with himself.

I glanced at the time on my phone. It was too early to leave work, but this was important.

I clicked on contacts, selected Chase's number and wrote a quick text, my thumbs dancing across the screen.

He responded a few moments later.

I sent back a last text and slipped into a cafe to buy a sandwich and a cup of coffee. The rest of the afternoon was going to go painfully slowly. I would have to keep busy and hope to goodness I got to talk to Chase before it was too late.



I toyed with my phone for a while before I put it down on the kitchen counter. I'd read Ashley's text a few times. Why did she need to see me so urgently?

I mean, Iwasme. That might be reason enough.

Yeah, right.