Page 31 of Punt

"Piglets," I suggested. "Baby chickens."

"Calves," she said. "All the new life. It's like the world starts all over again."

I smiled softly. "You don't want us dressed up as baby animals, do you?"

She laughed. "Well, I didn't until you said that. Now, I wonder if maybe it's a good idea." She toyed with a piece of her hair and smiled slyly.

"Dibs on the baby Rapid," I said.

She laughed, long and low. "I can just picture you dressed as one, but no baby Rapids. We don't want to scare the customers away."

I grinned. "Let me guess, you've never swum with Rapids."

"Never, but I did swim with dolphins once," she said.

"The whole team?" I joked.

She swatted me on the arm. "Of course not. I'm a one team kinda gal."

"Remind me you get you a Rapid's sweatshirt," I said. "They have the logo on the front, and Storm Valley Rapids on the back, so the whole world knows."

"Only anyone who is following me," she pointed out.

I chuckled. I'd totally get her a sweatshirt if she'd wear it. I gave Brandi a letterman jacket with the team name and logo on it and she'd thrown it straight to the bottom of her closet. At least, that was where I found it. Maybe it fell off a hanger. Either way, I never saw her wear it.

"Does that happen often?" I asked. "That you get followed, I mean."

"More than I'm comfortable with," she said. "But it's nothing I can't handle. I'm sure the same happens to you."

"Sometimes," he said. "I don't have to resort to the cap and sunglasses very often."

"Does that ever work?" she asked. "As disguises go, I've often wondered."

"Honestly, I think it might draw more attention to me, not less. Sunglasses in an airport are a red flag to anyone celebrity hunting."

Now I thought about it, it was kinda dumb.

"I can see how it would look that way," she agreed. She hesitated and for a few moments the awkwardness was back. "About the fashion parade."

"Yes," I said slowly, as though I thought she was up to something. "What about it?"

"I have an idea," she said.



"Mint green suits you." I stood behind Chase and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

He pulled off the colour better than I would have. Both the button down shirt and black jeans were a touch too tight, but that was the point. This spring it was all about figure-hugging. Next year we'd be wearing baggy clothes, or something in between. Personally, I liked this look, especially on him.

Kris would hate it. But then again, Kris wouldn't have agreed to model. He wasn't interested in fashion, or much of anything related to my job. As long as it brought in money, and I was happy, then he kept his nose out of it.

I thought that was how I liked things, until now. Having a guy take an interest, even if we were just friends, was a refreshing change.

"It's a fun shade," Chase said politely. "Are you sure I shouldn't have bright purple pants?"

"If purple was in, I would totally get you some," I assured him. I stepped back to snag the hanger from the back of a chair where he'd put it.