Her confession of still being a virgin had only mildly shocked me. After all, I kept close tabs on her and any random male who tried to get close. But the truth remained that I was at Bradley, and despite my want, I couldn’t watch her every second of the day. Only every second of the night.

Her admission ignites a brand new fire within me. Not because we’re both virgins, but because we both made unspoken promises to each other that we both secretly kept.

But then...

Why did she fight so hard to get away from me?

My delayed response wasn’t because I was disappointed about Sin not getting into Ennox. It was out of sheer confusion for why she just didn’t tell me.

Why did she lie to me and cause us both so much pain and longing? I saw it in her eyes, felt it in her heartbeat, in her pulse, in her pussy.

When I slide through Sin’s dark window, she’s already tucked in bed, curled into the fetal position. Her cheeks are stained with dried tears, and her face is swollen from crying. The thought that she cried over me makes me feel sick.

Even when I’d punished her, punished myself by going no contact, well, seemingly no contact, I couldn’t get over the discomfort of knowing that I was hurting her with my harshness.

Sin’s soft. She deserves softness always.

Peeling back the duvet, I settle behind her, curling myself around her petite frame. Immediately her ass pokes my cock making it rise and embed itself snuggly right where it belongs.

As usual, Sin stirs but doesn’t fully wake up.

“Sin?” I call into her ear, brushing her long, curly hair away from her face. The fact that she fell asleep without her bonnet on tells me she wasmorethan distressed and I’d caused most of it. “Sin?”

I lick her neck, peppering butterfly kisses up to her jaw before concentrating on her pulse point that’s slowly ticking faster.



Her sleepy voice is so soft. She’s so soft.

“I need you to wake up.”

She only nestles deeper under the covers and tighter against me.


“I’m here,” I whisper. “I’m always here. Open your eyes and look at me.”

She doesn’t open her eyes. She takes my hand that’s draped over her stomach and moves it straight to her sex. Sin never wore panties to bed.


I’m not good like my Sin, but I’m trying to be, at least until we talk. I never touch her intimately in her sleep no matter how badly I want to. I just watch. I can’t help it if I leak cum on her from time to time. But I’m always careful to clean it up.

She squirms, driving my fingers deeper between her slit.

How is she so damn wet already? Then again my angel was always wet when I visited her. When I motivated her to dream.

I try to pull my fingers away, swiping her clit a few times on accident in the process, but Sin only moans, trapping my hand with those thick thighs.

And what am I supposed to do?

I need to free myself of course.

So I stroke her, tickle her, coax her to open.

“Wake up Sin.” It comes out low, barely a whisper. But I’mtrying,aren’t I?