As the door closes after them, Luca turns and heads into the kitchen. He’s silent, as I simply stand there, waiting for an explanation.
He grabs two more beers from the fridge and walks over to me, handing me one. “You could have left.”
I don’t move to take the beer and stare back at him. “I still can.”
He smirks, still holding the beer out between us. “Door’s right there.”
We continue to hold each other’s gazes, and I take in the playful look in his. My eyes drop to his lips, and the excitement grows.
I reach up and take the beer from him, and he smiles. “You do know how to play chess right?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I ask as he heads into the living room and pulls out a chessboard.
“Well,” he sets it on the couch and gestures for me to sit, “I think it’s time we get to know each other a little better if we’re going to continue venturing into dick sucking territory.” His eyes travel down my body and back up. “Know thine enemy, isn’t that the saying?”
“Know thy self, know thy enemy,” I correct him.
He shrugs it off with a wave of his hand and sits on the couch. “Each capture comes with a question for the other, which must be answered.” He gives me a daring look and lowers his voice. “What do you say, Tiger?”
The pounding in my chest intensifies as Ty just stands there, unopened beer in his hand and a salty look on his face.
But eventually, he steps forward and joins me on the couch with the chessboard between us.
“What kind of questions?” he asks, opening his beer and eyeing the chessboard.
“Whatever you want.” I open my beer as well and take a drink. “I’m sure there’s something about me you’re just dying to know.”
Ty huffs and shakes his head without looking at me.
“Well, since you’re clearly so excited about this, you get to go first.” I gesture at the board to where the white pieces are in place before him.
He doesn’t even react, and just simply reaches out, moving his knight first.
“Oh,” I look up at him with eyebrows raised, “interesting.”
Ty shoots me a look. “What.”
“Well… seeing as you’re so uptight and in control all the time, it’s quite interesting that your first move is one that gives me more ways to respond and lowers your chances of taking this game in the direction you want.” I press my lips together and await his response.
This ought to be good.
He narrows his eyes at me. “Or, it gives me more flexibility with my pawns.”
“Hm.” I nod thoughtfully. “Tyler Roscoe and flexibility. Never would have thought those two things go together…”
“Just go,” Ty sighs as he takes a drink of his beer.
“Of course.” I move my pawn into the center space and smile.
Wow, maybe he doesn’t even know how to play?
But no, he does. And I, of course, find myself trying to protect my little pawns and peeps from his attacks as he moves into my space. We play in silence while we wait for the first capture, the tension rising… but not uncomfortably. It’s almost like a welcome and comforting silence, and I’m surprised to realize that I haven’t even put music on. Usually I hate quiet, but something about this silent game is just doing it for me.
And then, my god… I got him. I capture one of his pawns, and he sighs.
“Hm…” I hum while I observe him. “What do I want to know…”