“See? That,” he says, pointing an accusatory finger my way. “You feel some way about him.”
I shake my head, not willing to get into it with Danil right now. “I’m pretty sure he’s ace,” I say instead. “Like, the kind of ace where sex doesn’t even appeal to him.”
“He told you that?” Danil asks, expression shifting.
I swallow as I watch Ellis start to make his way toward the back of his house. He still hasn’t noticed the extra car parked next door.
“The last time we talked about it,” I say slowly, “he said he had no interest in girls or guys. He would have told me if that had changed.”
So then why is he going on a date?
“Hm,” Danil says.
“It doesn’t matter,” I say quickly. “That’s not why I’m here. I just… I just need to…”
I can’t figure out a way to finish that sentence that doesn’t make me a liar. So instead, I grab the handle and push open the door. Danil’s soft “good luck” follows me as I step out of the car. Ellis is nearly to the back deck now, his massive frame moving fluidly. I forget, sometimes, when I can only hear his voice, exactly how big Ellis is. Heisa mountain of a man but the gentlest soul I’ve ever met. And he’s…
I blow out a slow breath. He’s beautiful; I can’t even deny that. He’s lovely in the way the natural world is lovely. Imperfect but vital. Roughly hewn and uniquely himself. He’s just… Ellis. He’s my Ellis.
When I shut the car door, his head turns a fraction, enough for his eyes to seek me out. And it’s then, when our gazes collide for the first time in half a year, that my worry fades, my tension dissipates, and I sway forward as every single part of me sings in rightness and relief.
Because finally—finally—I’m home.
Chapter 13
For a split second, I’m not sure what I’m seeing is real. But then I feel it, that crackle, that spark that lives in Lucky, and I can’t move fast enough.
“Luck,” I manage.
AndGod, the way he smiles.
We reach each other halfway between our houses, and my arms are around him before I’ve even caught up with the fact that he’s here. It seems impossible. Like a dream.
But it’s not a dream. The feel of Lucky tucked against my chest is enough to convince me of that. He’s real. And he’s here.Here.And I’mshakingwith my want for him. With the need to be closer. Somehow, inexplicably closer.
Could I tie myself to him so that he’d never again be able to fly off?
“God,” Lucky says, the sound nearly a sob. “It’s so good to see you, El.”
I grunt because no one word is enough.
“Lucky Buchanan!” comes a call. “Is that you?”
Lucky chuckles wetly, pulling back from my chest. “Hi, Mrs. Cole.”
“Did my son know you were coming?” my mom asks from the back door.
“No, he did not,” Lucky answers.
Mom huffs. “Well, I’m glad you’re back. Come visit before you go, you hear?”
Before you go.
I force the words from my mind as Lucky tells my mom he will. She shuts the door, leaving me and Lucky alone. He looks up at me, eyes taking me in as if he’s reassuring himself I’m whole. I can’t say I don’t do the same.
When he lets out a little breath, I bring my gaze back to his face. “I brought Dani,” he says, motioning toward the car. Seemingly taking his cue, Dani exits the vehicle, waving. I lift my hand in return, trying hard to fight the way my jaw wants to clench.