“He was supposed to call you. He assured me he would.”

“I’m not going on a blind date with the police chief,” I mutter.

“He’s a good man, Madison. You could do worse.”

“I have done worse,” I remind her before she can do it. “Cash isn’t available to date.”

“I beg to differ,” she says, her voice as sweet as cherry pie. “His mother told me that he’s single and looking.”

Cash Tucker, one of the many eligible bachelors in town, might be single, but the only person he wants is my best friend, Adalynn. Those two have been circling around each other for years. I have no idea why they haven’t started dating. Everyone can see that they like each other, that they’d be the perfect couple.

“I’m not attracted to Cash Tucker,” I say, hoping it’s enough to end the conversation.

It doesn’t matter to my mother that only a month ago I had my heart ripped from my chest only moments before the calls and emails started rolling inthat told me Sam had taken literally every penny I had to my name, including money from my business.

According to Gwendolyn Kelly, a single woman isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but the fact that I’m inching up on thirty with no prospects is enough to land my name in the mouths of the gossips around town. That is something she feels the need to fix.

“What about Donnie?”

“Tate?” I snap, spinning in her direction so fast, I slosh coffee out of my cup. “You’re not serious.”

“He’s a good-looking man,” she says, frowning as she hands me a dish towel to clean up the mess I just made in her kitchen.

“And he’s my best friend’s brother.”

“Well, then what about Ronnie?”

“Seeing as he’s Donnie’s twin, the same thing applies. Plus, they date the same women.”

Mom chews the inside of her cheek, but she doesn’t speak.

“Are you serious?” I snap.

The woman wants me to find a man so badly that she’d be okay with me getting into a relationship with two men.

“They date thesamewoman at thesametime,” I clarify, on the off chance she hasn’t heard gossip about the Tate twins in town.

“They come from a good family,” Mom says.

“Who comes from a good family?” Dad asks as he enters the room.

“The Tate Twins,” Mom tells him as she lifts her face so they can kiss.

“Mom wants me to have a three-way with my best friend’s brothers,” I snap.

Dad chuckles, but he also doesn’t argue.

I feel like I’m in the middle of aTwilight Zoneepisode. Insert weird, creepy music here.

“Those boys work hard. They’d never take all your money,” Dad adds.

“I’m not dating two men at the same time,” I repeat, just in case my answer somehow got lost in context.

“And she won’t date Cash Tucker either,” Mom says with disappointment.

“It wouldn’t hurt to have a lawman in your corner, considering recent events.”

I glare at my dad.