“They’re fine,” I tell her, wondering if one more drink would be taking things a little too far.

The three I’ve had are already making me see things. The alcohol has somehow changed my brain chemistry or at the very least has convinced me I now have some superpower because the look on Chase’s face can only be read as desire when his eyes skirt over me.

I open my mouth to spew out all the reasons that’s a bad idea, but Adalynn perks up, telling me the moment she’s been waiting for all night has finally happened.

I smile at Cash as he approaches the table, opening my arms for a quick hug. Chase no longer seems to be puffing his chest out since the Tate brothers have found another woman to focus on. He doesn’t see Cash as a threat, but why in the hell would he concern himself with a man showing me attention? It doesn’t make sense.

Chase and Cash say their hellos, shaking hands, but Cash’s attention waivers the entire time. I know he’s only biding his time until he turns his eyes to my best friend.

“You’re out of uniform,” she says, a certain level of breathlessness in her tone.

“I worked the morning shift,” he explains. “Traded since I haven’t had a Saturday off in months.”

“Let’s dance.”

I snap my eyes to Chase, the request coming from left field. I was so wrapped up and distracted by watching Adalynn and Cash circle around each other, that I almost forgot he was even here. Which is concerning because my body has been very aware of him for the last hour.

Instead of waiting for an answer, Chase pulls my empty glass from my hand before filling my palm with his own. I barely have time to wave at my distracted friend before Chase pulls me onto the dance floor.

Chapter 19


“Excuse me?”

Instead of allowing Madison to take a second step back, I press my palm to her back and pull her tighter to my chest. The beat of the song is moving much faster than we’re dancing, but it doesn’t matter.

“Don’t freak out, just think about it.”

Her palms flatten on my chest. I allow the upper part of her body to pull away, but I keep her lower half locked in place. God, this woman feels so damn good in my arms.

“I want you,” I repeat, the need to press my mouth to hers growing inside of me.

Of course I can’t do that. We’re surrounded by people who would love to start the gossip train. Even with how close we’re dancing, I imagine it has already started. My father will probably know about it before I can even get her out of the bar.

I feel her heart kick up a second time when I repeat myself.

“Just think about it,” I urge again, pulling her back to my chest.

Her palms on my chest heat me straight through to my core, but I try my best not to read too much into the way her fingers curl into the fabric of my shirt.

That lovely scent of her swirls around me as I press my mouth to the top of her head. Madison Kelly is a force to be reckoned with, as I’ve learned any time she feels like I’ve insulted or demeaned her in any way. But physically, she’s tiny, at least a foot shorter than me.

It’s different holding her than it was holding Emily. My ex rivaled me in height when she was in heels.

I take a deep breath, shoving any and all thoughts of Emily from my head. This is not the time to work through any undealt with shit. I refuse to let those old wounds pop up and ruin whatever this may be with the woman in my arms.

As her scent envelops me, I realize I want it coating my skin. I want it invading every aspect of my life. I want it left behind on my sheets, the memory of her and the things we could do taking over my brain.

I want to get lost in it until I’m forced back to my own reality.

It’s a dangerous thing, this need I feel for her, but what’s the point in fighting it?

If she tells me no then I can just get over it, but if she agrees? God, I just know we’ll be explosive in bed.

“Chase,” she says, once again pressing her hands against me to urge me to put some space in between us.

She’s just so damned pretty. I wanted to strangle both of the Tate brothers when I walked up and saw the way they were fawning all over her. Thankfully, they let up on it once I got there, but it didn’t help that Madison was hell-bent on reminding them that I was her boss and nothing more, every chance she got.