He wants orgasms.

I want orgasms.

This is something we can do for each other.

“Boss with benefits it is,” I agree, chuckling when he climbs over my body, pinning me between him and the mattress. “And you can’t fire me just because you want to dissolve this part of it when it’s time.”

I press at his chest when he leans in to kiss me before agreeing.

“I’m not going to fire you, Madison. I’m going to make you come.”

Chapter 23


How last night was better than the night in the hotel, I have no idea, but it was.

We only used one of the six condoms I brought to her room, but we toyed and teased and took our time. We had no need to rush or try and get in as much as we possibly could. Our new agreement meant the next night we were the other’s open buffet all over again.

“What’s that about?” Dad asks.

“These are the saw blades I just found in the back. I had them out for sale last week.” I knew inventory was all jacked up, but I was working on the presumption that it was because of deliveries not being checked in or even worse, account keeping, but the look on Dad’s face when I hold them up in front of him is making me think differently. This is starting to feel more like purposeful sabotage than anything else.

“I was talking about that goofy grin on your face, but I see now that it’s gone,” Dad mutters, trying to scurry away before I can confront him.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask as I follow him through the store. The guy bobs and weaves as fast as one of my opens would on the ice, trying to get away from me.

“I didn’t say a word when you showed up on Sunday to pick the boys up wearing the same clothes you left the night before in,” Dad says.

I tilt my head in confusion. “What?”

He shrugs as if any of this makes sense, and as I follow him, watching him throw his hands up in exasperation, I have to start wondering if the man isn’t getting dementia or something because he’s not making any damn sense.

Dad disappears into the back just as the bell above the door announces a customer.

I bet he’s breathing a sigh of relief, knowing I’ll stay out here to be the new face of the business rather than chasing him down in the back. The onlyproblem that old man has though is that my memory is perfect, and I’ll have this conversation with him, eventually.

“Hey, man.”

I turn and face Walker.

“Listen, I’m sorry about walking out on my tab the other night,” I tell him as I reach into my pocket for my wallet. “How much do I owe you?”

He scoffs as if I’m being ridiculous. “I’m not here to settle up your tab.”

“I owe you money,” I tell him.

“And you can pay it when you come into the bar. I don’t carry a damn ledger around with me. I don’t go around breaking kneecaps over debts owed. If that were the case, Mr. Hinkle would be walking around on nubs.”

“Old Man Hinkle? I’ve never even seen him at the bar.”

“His debts go back decades. Although, I guess those didn’t transfer when I bought the bar. Anyway, that’s not why I’m here.”

“Okay,” I tell him, putting my wallet into my back pocket.

“How about that dance with Madison Kelly the other night?”

“What have you heard?” I snap before I can think twice about it.