That voice in my head, the one that tells me I’m making a mistake with every choice I make is silent this morning. The sun isn’t very far into the sky yet, leaving the hotel room still cast in shadows.
I trail my fingers up Madison’s back, feeling no urge to get out of this bed. I know I can’t stay here forever. I have so many responsibilities, but what a damn thrill to just escape the world for a little while, where nothing mattered but her and me.
She whimpers, her body rolling against mine. “You’re so hot.”
“You’re pretty smoking yourself.”
She huffs, her laughter warming my chest as her fingers sweep through the hairs on my pecs.
“I meant like furnace hot. I think we melted together last night.”
“Definitely a lot of friction.”
She scoffs, lifting her hand a few inches to smack me with it. I grab it, lifting it to my mouth and pressing my lips to her palm.
We used all three condoms last night. I realize when I roll my head on the pillow and look at the clock on the bedside table, we actually haven’t been asleep but for five hours.
As much as I’d like to stay here and exist in this little cocoon, I know I can’t.
“We need to get up,” I say but neither of us seem to be in a hurry to move.
I continue tracing lines on her back, and she all but purrs into my chest. It doesn’t help that we’re both still completely naked from falling into the bed exhausted and drained from what we did to each other’s body.
“Back to reality,” Madison says a few minutes later, pulling herself off my chest.
There’s a reluctance in her eyes when she looks down at me. I don’t ask permission when I trace the outer curve of her left breast. The womanhas the most gorgeous body I’ve ever seen. She’s got curves in all the right places, rather than hip bones and pointy edges like women I’ve spent time with before.
“It isn’t over until we leave the room,” I tell her, letting my fingers trace down her arm until I’m able to clasp her hand.
I stand, pulling her to her feet and ushering her across the room and into the bathroom.
It only takes a minute for the water to warm after turning on the shower, and once we step inside, I don’t hesitate to run my hands along her wet skin.
I kiss and taste her skin, some part of me wishing we were in her shower. I love the way her skin smells when she uses her own products. I don’t care how spa-like these hotel products claim to be, they have nothing on whatever it is she uses at home.
“We’re out of condoms,” she says, an echo of last night when I woke an hour after falling to the bed, needing her again.
I’m certain there’s some kind of clinical explanation for why I can’t keep my hands off her, but we don’t have the time to seek professional help. Besides, that would mean leaving the room, and this ends the second we step out of here.
“Guess you’ll just have to come on my tongue rather than my cock this time,” I tell her as I squat in front of her.
Her eyes widen at the first swipe, and I fucking love just how shocked this woman is at feeling pleasure. It tells me that her previous lovers were selfish as hell and deserve to go a couple rounds with a rabid dog for not treasuring what they had.
The hours we spent together last night do nothing to impede her orgasm, and the headache she gives me while her body convulses against my tongue is well worth the pain.
She looks dazed and a little blissed out when I stand. I commit that look to memory as I press my lips to hers. I discovered last night, after that first arousal-drenched kiss, that she likes the taste of herself on my lips. I’ve given her that as many times as I could, and the way she sweeps her tongue in my mouth in search of a little more taste will be one of many things I know I’m going to think about once we get back to the house.
I hiss my own pleasure when she wraps her hand around my erection. I stop her from hitting her knees when she tries to pull away. I want her mouth right where it is, against mine. She whimpers as if unable to control herself when I flex my hips, pushing myself into her hand.
She’s no different than I am, taking so much joy in my pleasure the way I do hers.
I want to beg her to change the rules once again. I want to confess that I won’t be able to have this night with her and never have anotherone. I want to change everything I said last night, erase the line in the sand we mutually agreed on, but that’s not fair to either of us.
I come on a grunt, my hips snapping back and forth as she draws out my orgasm.
My lips find hers and we kiss for what seems like hours before getting around to actually cleaning ourselves. By the time we climb out of the shower, her lips are cherry red and a little irritated from my morning stubble. I know mine can’t be much better, but neither of us complain.