I suck down the rest of my drink, just as we are ready to leave.
I may not want to talk about what happened in Austin, but I want to talk about Chase Woodson even less.
Chapter 5
I pace the sparsely furnished living room, my feet carrying me back and forth over and over. I’ve lifted my phone half a dozen times, but I can’t seem to hit the send button.
Dad was right about needing help with the boys, but Lindell isn’t exactly teeming with people capable of helping. It’s a big decision on who is good enough to take care of your kids. After not being able to trust Emily with her own boys, that list is even shorter.
Having them at the hardware store every day isn’t an option either. They’re getting bored, and that’s going to lead to more accidents. We got lucky earlier today with the minor cut on Cole’s finger. I guess I should just be grateful they didn’t try to saw each other in half.
I cringe at the mental image that gives me. It provides me with the push I need to hit the send button.
The phone rings three times before it connects.
“Madison?” I say into the phone.
Silence fills the line.
“Hello?” I say when she doesn’t confirm.
“Who is this?” she asks.
“Madison, this is Chase.”
“Chase who?”
I scoff, but she doesn’t laugh.
“Chase Woodson.”
She has got to be joking, right?
“Henry Woodson’s son from next door?”
I angle my head, trying to hear better because honestly, she has to know who I am.
“Look I was calling—”
“How did you get my number?”
I grind my teeth before answering. This woman is going to bust my balls around every damn corner, I can already tell.
I fight the urge to just hang up because my options are limited to her.
“Your mother gave it to me.”
“Of course she did.”
“Listen, I wanted to ask—”