“Keep your arms on the counter and your feet in place.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

I cracked my hand down on her naked backside and enjoyed the bloom of color. I quickly made work of her entire backside. Her soft mewls and moans said a lot about Bianca. I’d seen first-hand punishments doled out by Daddies to their Littles and seen how they danced on their toes and cried out “Sorry, Daddy” until the tears spilled down their cheeks.

Not Bianca, however. Had she always enjoyed pain and somehow, I’d missed her signals? After tanning her sit spot until it glowed and got not an ounce of remorse from her, I reached into the shower and drew out a bath brush. I cracked the brush across her lower cheeks and finally received a gasp.Okay, now we were in business. Clearly, her threshold was a lot higher than I’d realized.

I brought the brush down on her thighs. She gasped, her eyes going wide.

“This is a punishment, not a funishment. I’m ensuring you feel sorry for your unacceptable behavior every time you sit down for the next week.”

I cracked the brush across her backside until finally actual tears spilled down her cheeks. I put the brush back and tugged her into my arms, rubbing a soothing hand down her back and in circles on her heated bottom.

Her cries quickly turned to moans of need and turning her back around, I made her watch in the mirror while I took her from behind for the first time. When we returned to the party, I kept her at my side, feeding her water instead of alcohol and hors d’oeuvres from the trays that constantly circulated through the vast room.

Bianca was getting her first lesson in being controlled in public, and I could tell she wasn’t happy about it, despite allowing me to lead.

I should have known thenthat it was all an act. I shook my head at the memory. A few weeks later, when I told her I’d booked a trip to Rawhide for us for Daddy and Little training, she lost it, telling our inner circle I was a pedo and the worst lover she’d ever been with. It was inevitable, I guess, looking back, that things would take a turn for the worse. Bianca was no Little, she wasn’t even a submissive, just a flawless actress.

I’d heard about her through the grapevine from time to time that she started a Dominatrix side hustle and was doing verywell. I was happy for her and hoped she’d finally found her place in the BDSM space. For myself, I’d come to Rawhide and attended the weekend I’d signed up for and ended up staying.

Done with New York and the scandalous rumors that spread like wildfire through certain circles within our community, I packed my truck with most of my personal items. There was no plan in place except my journey would begin with a four-day weekend at Rawhide. When those gates closed behind me that first time and that sense of being home enveloped me, staying seemed like the best plan.

The entire environment at Rawhide comforted my injured heart and soothed my soul. Since that four-day event, I’d attended many more since becoming part of the Rawhide family and learned so much about myself and who I was. Derek and all the men at Rawhide taught me many things and helped me to define my kinks and the best ways for me to express them without judging myself.

I was heading to my house, a recent change from the staff apartment I’d been living in for a few years. I’d kept putting off claiming a more permanent home, but as I didn’t have plans to leave anytime soon, decided to take Derek up on his offer to purchase a house he’d built under the condition that if I ever left Rawhide, I would sell it back so another lover of the Ranch could make it their home.

My phone buzzing brought me out of my trip down memory lane. Harmony’s name appeared on the screen.

“What’s up, cuz?”

“I have a question to ask. Can you pop by?”

If she wanted me topop byjust to ask me a question, then it sure as shit wasn’t just any old question but a huge ass favor!

“Does Gray know you’re about to ask me for a mega favor?” I hadn’t liked Gray when he first arrived at Rawhide. He and Harmony had a shaky beginning, but he’d proven himself as notonly a good man but also a wonderful Daddy to my Little cousin. Since the night Harmony went missing and we’d gathered a search party, we’d grown our friendship to the point now that my respect for him outweighed enabling his fiancée to be naughty.

“Uh, of course.”

“Harmony… don’t lie to me.”

“Oh fine. No, he doesn’t, but I don’t think it matters in this case, as I know he’d agree with what I am about to ask you.”

“I’ll be by at 4:00 when your Daddy is home.”

“But, Jackey—”

“Don’t Jackey me, brat!”

“You’re gonna tell on me, aren’t you?” she said in her Little girl voice.

It was hard not to chuckle. As one of our teachers here at Rawhide, Gray had really stepped into his own when it came to Harmony toeing the line. She’d be a sorry Little girl for going behind his back like this, and she knew it.

“No, sweetheart, I won’t.”


“Really. I won’t have to because you’re going to do the honors.”