“Earth shattering,” she replied.

“I’m glad you approve. In answer to your question. Yes, with the right person.”

She remained silent in my arms. The only sound in the room was our breathing until her endorphin-soaked brain seemed to catch up to what I’d said. “Are you saying I’m the right person?”

I slid my hands down her back, squeezing her warm bottom. She purred and let loose a peal of giggles.

“When can we do it again?”

“When I’m ready.”

She squirmed in my arms until she faced me. “How will I know when that is?” she asked with genuine concern.

“Don’t worry about anything, kitten. It’s my job to know what you need and when you need it.”


“That’s it?” I asked, amused. “Okay? I was waiting for a dozen more questions.”

Ronnie was glowing in the aftermath of sex and looked like a pale goddess against the black sheets.

“I would have if this was before, but I trust you know what you’re talking about.”

Her eyes closed and within moments, soft snores emanated from between her full lips. Exhausted, it didn’t take long for me to sink into a dreamless slumber.

Chapter 9


“Come on,girls, tell me what you think, like honestly.”

The group of us girls were sitting in Harmony’s little theater and digging through her dress-up wardrobe for an outfit to wear to the rehearsal dinner the next evening. Sadie and Jillian exchanged glances, then turned to me, like they were waiting for my input first.

This was exactly what I feared would happen when Harmony asked me to come over, while Jacob and her fiancée Gray, Derek and a few others had gone out for a bachelor campout. I thought they were crazy; it was February after all, and this was Montana. But when I ask why they’d choose to go camping outside in winter, they all puffed up their chests and said they were tough and the cold didn’t dampen their enthusiasm in the least. I still thought they were nuts as there was still snow on the ground from a snowfall a few days earlier but figured it best not to question their intelligence.

Gray’s parents had taken the grandparents on an overnight shopping trip in Butte to give Harmony some quality time with her friends. With no one home, we decided on a slumber party.

The men had left an hour ago and already I was on edge. I don’t know why as being with Harmony without a man around had been my reality for years, so why was it so hard now? The more I tried to understand all the emotions and thoughts inside, the more confused I became.

“I think we should have some wine.” Was that me making that suggestion? I only drank on special occasions. Technically, this entire week was a special occasion.

Sadie and Jill squealed and clapped their hands.

“Yes! Let’s do that and we’ll blast music and try on everything!”

Sadie’s enthusiasm affected all of us and we dashed to the kitchen, all of us shoving and giggling to be the first to the pick the wine off the rack.

“Ha! I win.” Sadie held the bottle aloft for us all to see.

“Eww, that’s white, Sadie. I never drink white.” Jillian screwed up her face like she’d just sucked a lemon.

Sadie rolled her eyes. Then covered them with her hands and peeked through her fingers. “Oh, it’s just you guys. I can’t roll my eyes when Daddy is around, or I’ll get in trouble.”

“Really? How come?”

All three sets of eyes turned to me. “Seriously, V, hasn’t my cousin gone over the rules with you yet?”

I didn’t like the accusation in her tone, and I really didn’t like that they knew stuff I didn’t.