Instead, I took a few breaths. “Listen here. Do you see that pretty little blonde over there?”

His gaze traveled to Veronica, and then the little pervert licked his lips.


“She just used your disgusting facilities. You will apologize to her for making her endure such appalling conditions. Then you will go outside and clean that thing until you can eat off the floor.”


I cut him off, “That or I phone the owner and get you fired. It’s up to you.”

He hustled out from behind the counter and walked to where Ronnie was selecting a few chocolate bars. I really needed to discuss diet with her, but not in front of him.

He stuttered out his apology and then headed into the back, coming back out a few moments later armed with a soapy bucket and a mop.

“Don’t forget the disinfectant and the toilet brush.” I glared meaningfully at him.

Grabbing those extra items, he made it out of the store and disappeared around the corner of the building.

Veronica sidled up to me, her laden filled arms full of sugary treats. I walked over to a cooler that surprisingly contained some decent-looking fruit cups and grabbed two. Another held fresh vegetable shots filled with turmeric, ginger, and lemon. We’d both need to boost our immune systems after being in that bathroom.

I placed the items on the counter. “You don’t need that much candy. Choose two and put the rest back.”

Her eyes narrowed, but she didn’t give me any back talk. Handing me two chocolate bars, she returned the rest to the shelf.

“Would you like a drink with those?”

“Yes. May I have a Coke?”

“I’ll make you a deal. You go over there and grab two bottles of water and a Coke. After you drink one bottle of water. You may have the Coke.”

Now she looked angry. “I don’t have to do what you say, you know. I’m a grown woman, and you’re not my Daddy!”

“And a beautiful one at that.” I didn’t miss a beat. “You’re correct, I am not your Daddy—not yet—but, while you’re in my care, I will ensure that we make healthy choices.”

“Ooh, fine!” She stomped over to the cooler, selecting two bottles of water and a Coke and added them to the pile on the counter.

I punched in a code into the coffee machine and waited for my mocha. That was my dirty little habit and the only time I hadsugar. Growing up wealthy and in the city, special coffees had been a love of mine since being a young teen. It was weird for men I know, as that was usually a habit that women had, but I liked my bean and would travel across the city for my favorite blend.

This was barely passable, but it would do until we reached Rawhide. The Italian restaurant on site had coffee that rivaled anything I’d found in the café back home. Lucky for me, my boss also liked a good cup of coffee and Derek had it flown in from Italy on a fairly regular basis. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if that restaurant made all its profit from the coffee alone.

I placed my paper cup on the counter just as the clerk opened the door. “Perfect timing.” I plastered on a smile I didn’t feel. He dropped his supplies in the back room and came back and tallied our order. His face was flushed, probably due to not being used to exerting himself.

He handed me the bag and receipt. Taking Ronnie by the elbow, I led her from the store and helped her up into the cab of the truck, strapping her in. While she again pulled Bananas to her chest, I pulled out a bottle of water, unscrewing the cap and handing it over. “Half now, and half after you tell me all about what you’re looking for in a perfect partner.”

A fresh flush of pink stained her pale skin. I turned toward her and braved a sip of the coffee. Yep, as bad as I thought it would be.

“Uhm, well, uh, I want a play partner who likes to dominate, one who would control the, uh… scene.”

“Let me interrupt you for one moment. Have you ever had playtime with a Dominant partner?”

Her face turned scarlet. “No.” She dropped her eyes when she answered.

I let out the breath I’d been holding. As suspected, she was new to the lifestyle, but clearly had plenty of time to imagine what she wanted.

“Then how do you know you want a play partner, Veronica, and not something more serious like a partner in life who is also dominant?”

Her eyes instantly filled with tears. “I don’t know!” she wailed.