“Who was it before Alice?”
His eyes darken. “It doesn’t matter.”
“So there have been a lot?”
“More than you’ve had apparently. Is Andrew good in bed?”
“How would I know? I have nothing to compare him to.”
“Don’t you want to know?”
“What it’s like to have sex with another man?” I smile coyly. “Are you offering?”
One…two…three seconds pass, and my heart thunders in my chest.
“You’re playing with fire,” he warns.
“Youareoffering! Should we do it right here?” I quip. “I can sweep these plates off the table and let them crash to the floor…”
God, his eyes are molten. I’m pushing him too far, but I can’t rein it in. I’ve been stuck in this cottage for too many days. Besides, I’m enjoying this. It’s fun.
“Would you have sex with me? Just once?”
How does he keep his expression so neutral, his emotions so carefully tucked away? “As an experiment?”
His eyebrows furrow. “You say it like it would be a favor.”
“Ah…so you’d enjoy it?”
“Of course I would.”
I melt at his rough tone.
“Don’t be so sure of that. Maybe I’m horrible. After all, I’ve only been with Andrew, remember?”
My name comes out like a painful warning.
I didn’t want it before, not this clearly. I’ve been attracted to Nate since the moment I saw him—those blue eyes, that strong jaw, his hands, the prominent veins protruding up his forearms. Every part of him is a siren song. Beautiful and fierce and, above all, intriguing. He tugs at me, and all at once, right now, it comes into focus.
I want Nate.
If not forever, at least for what we’re discussing—one night.
“I feel like I should put myself in time-out.”
He won’t match my smile. He’s angry, or at least…I think he is. It’s so hard to read his emotions, especially at a time like this.
I scoot my chair back and start to clear the table. I pick up my plate then reach around to take his as well. Lightning quick, he reaches out to grab my arm. He stills me and rises from his chair, eclipsing me with his height and his dark mood.
“Don’t tempt me, Summer. You live right down the hall, tucked in that little bed. It would be so easy to have you.”
He’s turning this inside out, muddying it, and making me angry. What started out as lighthearted teasing now feels tainted.
I try to yank my arm out of his hold, but he doesn’t let up. He bends down, his forehead level with mine, his mouth hovering so close I can practically taste him. My body reacts as if we’re already kissing, fireworks trickling down my spine.