Page 17 of Fighting Words

Nate nods in agreement then points down at my phone on my lap. “You should have cell service now.”

“Right. Of course.”

I fire off the drafted email to Joy, my supervisor, first, giving her an update about Crown House and my temporary living situation. Pressing send gives me a little zing of excitement. I’m sure she’ll be shocked that Nate is willing to work with me (at least for now). After hearing more of Nate’s side of things, I realize Joy likely thought I’d be on the first available flight back to New York, returning with my tail between my legs.

My family gets an email next, filled with all the pertinent information they might need about where I am (surprise!), and a lot of reassurances that I’m completely fine even if they have a hard time getting ahold of me. My parents have never been the type to check in daily, but they might worry since I’m so far from home. I include Nate’s address and directions for how to get there from Sedbergh just to put everyone’s mind at ease.

Then just as Nate swings into a parking spot outside a small grocery store, I reopen the text I was working on for Andrew.

Summer: Hey, sorry to be texting you randomly. I know we’re not really talking right now and I respect that. I hope things are going well for you. I just wanted to let you know that work has taken me to England. I’m staying in a tiny town called Sedbergh. It’s an exciting opportunity, but cell service is horrible and I

That’s where I left off before because I’m not sure how I’m supposed to end a text message to a man who isn’t currently my boyfriend butcouldbe my boyfriend again in the near future.

Nate cuts the engine and looks over to find me staring down at my phone screen like I’m trying to work out a complicated math equation. I drop my phone into my lap and sigh.

We look at each other and then simultaneously look away. It’s hard to sit here together in such a confined space.

“I can’t find the right words,” I volunteer.

He nods, already grabbing for his door handle. “I’ll give you a second. I need to head down to a shop a little that way. I’ll meet you back here when I’m done.”

I watch him get out of the car and close the door. He heads up onto the sidewalk, walking confidently. He has long legs and a good butt. His jeans fit him perfectly. These…thesewonderful thoughts flit across my mind instead of what the hell I’m going to send to Andrew!

I give myself a little shake and look back down at my phone, typing the first thing that comes to mind. It’s best not to overthink stuff like this, right?

Anyway, it’s okay if you still need space. I don’t blame you. If you reach out and I’m radio silent, just know it’s because I’m literally in the middle of nowhere, haha.


There. The important people in my life know where I am. Time to shop.

There’s not a lot of choice in the small grocery store, but I make do. I’ve thought ahead for a few meals so Nate and I aren’t eating scraps over the next couple of days. His fridge was packed, but upon closer inspection it was a bunch of junk that needed to be thrown out: old jam, a jar with one olive, that kind of thing.

There’s a man positioned behind the counter in the shop watching television. When he sees me approach with my full basket, he stands up off his stool and waves me over. He’s short and rotund with ruddy cheeks and a white mustache that matches his bushy brows.

“Alright?” he asks me with a thick British accent.

I assume he’s asking how I’m doing, so I smile. “Good, yeah, what about you?”

“Aye, not bad,” he says while starting to ring up my items. “I’m not too chuffed about all the snow we’ve been getting though. Was hoping for a mild winter.”

I look back outside to see the sun that peeked out while we were driving seems to have disappeared completely behind the dark clouds.

“From the States?” he asks me when I turn back toward him.

I nod. “Just arrived.”

“Knackered after the long journey?”

“No, not really.”

It’s surprising I don’t feel more tired considering how little sleep I’ve had over the last forty-eight hours.

“Where are you staying? Got family in the area?”

“No, I wish. It’s a beautiful town. I’m here for work.”

This makes him raise his brows. “Are ya? Anthony mentioned bringing someone in for marketing at Westwood. Thought it’d take him longer to find someone.”