Page 92 of All of You

After the public reveal of the DNA test, as my lawyer predicted, Dot backed off and signed over the Nest. I didn’t know if that was her father’s doing or if she was smart enough to realize we had her.

Literally overnight, the day after the launch of the program, practically the entire town turned their backs on her. Even her parents faced scrutiny and blame for Dot’s actions. Talk about a fall from grace.

She’d once been considered a pillar of the town, along with her entire family. Now the mayor, her father, lived in damage control mode, especially since many people placed the blame for Dot’s deceitful ways at her parents’ feet.

Since the launch, most haven’t seen or heard from Dot. I’ve spoken with Kellen, and he says the mayor sent Dot to live with his sister in Seattle. He doesn’t know what this means for him and seeing the baby, but her father has told him that Dot will not prevent Kellen from being in the baby’s life. It seems the mayor’s eyes are now fully open to his daughter’s ways, and he wants her to get the help she needs. Also, I suspect it doesn’t hurt to have Dot out of town. A little distance is always a good thing when he’s a public figure.

On the business front, along with getting complete ownership of the Nest, soon after, I received an email from a UK-based high-end furniture company, MacPherson Limited. I’d reached out to them over eighteen months ago when I’d set out to grow the business. They were planning to launch a new line of furniture next year and were looking for a designer. They asked me to bid. I did and successfully won the contract.

It's a big job and will involve some travel, at least to get things set up. But it’s great exposure for the Winslow Nest, and my global expansion is well underway.

“Yeah, we’re thinking early in the new year. Let me know when you think you can get off and I’ll confirm the dates with them.”

“Is that your way of asking me to come with you?” She’s teasing, knowing full well we’ve already talked about this.

I plan on having Wren by my side for every trip. “Yup.”

One way Mayor Malone tried to pacify the townspeople and maybe right a wrong was to approve Bright Horizons within a week of its launch. At first, Wren wanted to reject his offer, especially considering he wanted to make a big deal out of it with media in attendance for a public announcement.

She no longer needed the town. Her program was thriving with more businesses interested in getting on board. Yet, as tempting as it was to dish out the same treatment the mayor had once given her, she wouldn’t allow the program to miss out on any support because of her pride.

Eventually, they reached a happy medium, where the program remains privately run with the town as another sponsor.

Another concession the mayor made, in addition to giving Wren her job back, was to provide funding for a part-time position at the library. This gave her more flexibility with her other responsibilities and ultimately meant it would be easier for her to agree to come to London with me.

Wren twists to face me, now on her knees and lifting one leg to straddle me. Her mouth grazes mine, soft and sweet, as she sinks against me. I swallow her breathy moan, and all the blood rushes from my head to my groin, leaving me dizzy with want.

Now greedy, my mouth, teeth, and tongue demand more of her, stroking, nipping, and thrusting. And in turn, she doesn’t simply kiss me back. Her entire body pushes into me.

I feel her tits pressing softly against my chest, even through our clothes and jackets. Her thighs tighten along the outside of mine and she lowers her body so she can grind herself on my erection.

Just then, we’re startled, mouths ripping apart, when Percy shouts from outside, down below, “You two can’t hide out here all night. You know Pop’s going to come get you sooner or later.”

“We’ll be out soon.” She shifts in my lap. “When’s dinner?”

I remembered from my childhood how I loved Christmas Eve at the Tylers. Their annual tradition was an open invitation to anyone and everyone without family or somewhere to be to spend the evening with them. Reggie does her garlic shrimp feast, the kids decorate gingerbread houses, and it’s pure chaos. It has been far too long since I’ve been a part of this magical evening. I can’t wait.

“Any minute now,” Percy grunts, not in the least bit satisfied with her sister’s response. “Pop’s in a mood with you two out here, and everyone else is having a grand old time guessing what you two are up to. It’s gotten quite raunchy, and that’s ticking him off too.”

Wren hoots with glee, her cheeks and the tip of her nose rosy from the chill.

“Let me guess, Mad started that.” I tug down the edges of her woolen hat and grin at her.

“Oliver,” Percy drags out my name like it’s a thorn in her side.

She sounds miserable, and while I’d like to help her out, selfishly, I want as much alone time with Wren as I can get.

This is our first Christmas as a couple, and while tomorrow’s the big day and we plan to spend every minute with our friends and family—well, nearly every minute; I’ve got plans that only involve the two of us—I’m not ready to share her with everyone. Not just yet.

“Let them talk,” I holler and Wren snickers again, this time into the crook of my neck. She most likely has taken some pity on her baby sister.

“You guys suck.” Percy makes a point of stomping away, and we stare at each other in the fading twilight.

With the sun going down, it will get even colder out here. “Do you want to go in?” I pull her hips down so she’s sitting on me again.

“Yes and no.” Her mouth presses against mine. “But you know the longer we let Pop stew over us being out here, the more he’s going to make us pay. Like make us do all the dishes for the twenty-five of us. Just the two of us.”

“That’s how I like it.” I shrug and kiss her again.