“Is now the time to tell you the bed is only a double?” She bit her lip, her eyes dancing.
I curled my hands around her waist and murmured in her ear, “You think you’re funny.”
She giggled. “You’re right, I’m kidding. It’s a queen bed with a wall on either end.”
I groaned and buried my nose in her hair, relishing that I was holding her instead of poring over spreadsheets. “I’m going to be curled into a ball all night?”
“Yup,” she said cheerfully and went to the door. “Come on, Oreo.”
We crowded inside, and she set up the area where Oreo would sleep. The interior was spacious for a small, tow-behind trailer. Perfect for Sutton and a dog. A little crowded for the two of us. I slid my gaze to the bathroom. I’d be crunched in half to fit under the shower, but it’d do the job.
I was with my girl and my dog. That was all that mattered.
When we returned, I’d be busy figuring out where the hell my life was going.
Sheriff. My dream job.
Stress threatened to tighten my shoulders, but I shrugged it off. I needed these days off.
She rose from where she tucked a fluffy dog bed under the table she’d unlatched from the wall. Her gaze stroked across me and the rest of the camper. Her gray eyes settled on me. “It’s weird seeing you in here.”
“Because you bought it thinking I wouldn’t be around.” She’d shopped for the camper. Planned to use it. Arranged to be gone. And I hadn’t been anywhere in the picture.
“Technically, you’re still not supposed to be around, but we’ve already acknowledged our self-destructive ways.”
I crowded closer to her, questioning my intentions for dumping myself on her holiday weekend. “I’d never want you to self-destruct.”
“Oh, Wilder.” She cupped my face. We hadn’t touched until now. I closed my eyes and turned my face into her warm hands. “I know you’d never want to hurt me.”
I opened my eyes. I had hurt her. And I would do it again if I wasn’t careful.
“Enough of that.” She abruptly pulled her hands away. “It’s gorgeous out, and the weather is supposed to be the same all weekend. No heavy conversations allowed.”
Meaning, no rehashing the past or why we didn’t work. We’d accept our circumstances for now and figure the rest out later. If there was anything to figure out.
The rumble of her stomach punctuated her declaration.She wanted camping and hiking and sightseeing. I wanted to keep her on her back, naked in this camper. We could strike a nice balance.
“Whatcha got planned for meals in this tin can?”
“Sandwiches and some stuff that includes cooking, but I figured I’d want a treat after driving and getting settled.”
We were eating out, then. I’d interfered enough. “Got a plan of where to go?”
She shook her head. “No, I was going to find what looked good and stop in.”
“All right.” I slipped my fingers into her jeans pocket and withdrew her keys. “Load up, passenger princess, and let’s find somewhere to eat. Then, when we get back”—I let my gaze wander down her long body—“I’m having dessert.”
We found an open table in the throng of people at a restaurant on the main road through town. Wilder had never been to Medora either, and while I’d planned the trip, I’d left my days open to explore and do what I felt.
“The zipline?” Wilder asked after we ordered. He was forming an itinerary, and I was happy to be in his capable hands.
I shuddered. “No heights for me.”
He frowned. “You’re afraid of heights? How didn’t I know that?”
“I wasn’t going to announce to a husband who facesdanger with each shift that I hate ladders and make it a personal goal to never have to go on a roof.”