“I know you don’t like movies, so just dinner. There’s also a band at one of the bars downtown. We can do some dancing.”

“A first date?”

“Again.” Okay, I could see why her conviction wasn’t overflowing. I didn’t want her to revisit her anger from the double date when it came to this date. I couldn’t tell from her tone if she thought the idea was romantic or a flailing attempt that fell short.

“A first date again. Yeah.” This time I heard the smile.

Now I had to find a way to be her last first date.


I checked the radar. A huge swath of snow crested the western half of the state and much of the eastern part of Montana.

I tossed the phone down. Berry mewed, and I dug my fingers into her fur. “He’s going to have to cancel.”

Even if Wilder could get to my house, we might have to cancel our date if the wind picked up. He wasn’t scheduled to get off work for another hour. I didn’t want him on the road if traveling was dangerous. I also wouldn’t want him agonizing over whether he might get snowed in. Not my idea of a first date.

There was no way he was making it.

I gently lifted Berry off my lap and went to thebedroom. I was wearing purple flannel pajama pants and a Knight’s Arabians and Cattle Company hoodie, but I had bought a new outfit. My summer dress would get blown up by the cold winter wind, so I’d purchased a long fuzzy sweater to pair with soft gray leggings. Ivy would swear the outfit wasn’t a dress, but it was mostly a dress.

A foolish warmth heated my cheeks as I took the hanger down. I tucked the garment safely in my closet.

It’s okay. I knew this could happen. He’s not skipping out on me because he’s choosing work. Sometimes, Mother Nature has the ultimate say.

Affirmations done, I went into the living room. I would be stranded tonight as soon as the storm hit. The house was clean, and I had no projects going on for the winter.

I’ll take “Wishing I Had A TV” for five hundred!

Shaking my head at myself, I dug out a puzzle I hadn’t put together yet. A landscape image of Glacier National Park. That was next on my big camping trip list, along with Yellowstone, and then Itasca State Park in Minnesota. The Dells in Wisconsin. The Turtle Mountains in northeast North Dakota. I’d have to take more time off if I branched out farther, but someday.

I dumped out the puzzle just as a flash of headlights speared through the front window. Frowning, I got up and went to peer out the glass. Who else could be here? Coolness radiated from the window. Snow flurries made it hard to see, but they weren’t heavy yet.

Wilder’s pickup was in the driveway. I ran to the front door like it was already Christmas, and he was my only present and whipped it open.

He tipped his head down and jogged toward me. Hehad on his black winter coat and blue jeans, but no cowboy hat or ball cap. His hair was neatly brushed to the side.

“What are you doing?” I called, leaning out.

“I traded with Kaplan so I could get off early.”

Kaplan would likely ask for an unfair swap, and Wilder would have to give more time than Kaplan had given him. But that was a worry for another day. I went to step out, but I had only socks on, and an inch of snow layered the landing in front of the door.

Wilder approached the stairs and grinned, taking in my pajama pants and sweater. “I’m here to pick up my date. It’s a little early, but I can make it work.”

My excitement flared to life. That dress would get some use after all. “I’ll be right back.”

I rushed to the bedroom. Grateful I only had to add curls to my hair, I dressed and frantically put some body in my straight strands. When I was done, I took a good look at myself. My eyes were bright, a natural flush tinted my cheeks thanks to the man waiting inside the entry, and I flashed back to my real first date with Wilder.

It’d been at the same horse show, but he’d come to my hotel room and was a gentleman the entire night. He’d been charming and sweet and interested in me. I had thought I could spend the rest of my life with a man like this.

Nothing had changed. Maybe our arrangement wasn’t what younger Sutton had thought it’d be, but Wilder was making an effort.

Would he still make an effort ten years from now?

Would I?

Tonight wasn’t the night to worry about the future. It was ourfirst date. Again.