I pulled up next to her pickup and propped my left arm across the steering wheel so I could watch her climb out. Might as well get one last look if this thing between us was really over.
The smoldering burn was back in my chest and spreading to my stomach. “See ya, Sutton.”
She got out and turned back in the open doorway. “I’m sorry, Wilder.”
“No problem. I didn’t mean to pressure you.” I should’ve left it at that. I didn’t want to coerce her, and I meant it. But desperate men did shitty things, and I was pulling my ace. “Probably time I take Carla Bosworth up on her offer and move on anyway.”
Sutton hated Carla and the way the other woman hit on married men and could insult a person ten different ways in one compliment.
She stiffened. Her sharp intake of breath was audible, and I bit back a grin. She slid her gaze away to glower into the distance. When she gave me her attention, determination shone in her dark eyes. “I’ll open the garage door for you. Leave before anyone knows you were in town.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
A ding woke me. Was that from a dream?
I was pressed against a warm chest, and the smell of vanilla-laced smoky whiskey was in my nose. How long had it been since I’d woken up and all was right in the world? I wasn’t emotionally lost or doubting my life’s decisions. I was warm and cozy and could stay this way for years.
I breathed out a relieved sigh. The divorce was all a dream.
Another chime was followed by knocking. The events from the night before crashed into my brain. The dance. Wilder’s arrival. The rainstorm. Blistering heat in a cramped pickup cab.
I flipped over with a startled gasp. Oh, shit. I wasn’t dreaming. I was divorced, and my ex-husband was in my bed.
We’d had sex all night.
All. Damn. Night.
So many orgasms.
I glanced down. I rarely slept naked, but I was completely nude. The underwear I wore last night was still in Wilder’s pocket, and I shouldn’t delight over how seeing him abscond with it made me feel sexy.
His clothing mixed with mine on the floor. Which meant he was also naked.
Just a peek?—
More knocking. Dammit! Who was ruining my morning?
Oreo wasn’t barking, so he must know the visitor.
“Shit, shit, shit.” I pushed out of bed, my pulse racing.
Wilder lazily rolled to his elbow and squinted at me rushing around the bedroom trying to find clothing that didn’t look like I brought a forbidden guy home and had wild sex all night.
“Who’s pounding this early?” His sleep-roughened voice wasn’t any less sexy than when we were married.
A “Sutton” came from the direction of the front door. His eyes flared.
Yeah. It was Aggie. His sister. We had plans today.
“Be right there,” I called. I found a robe and slung it around myself. “It’s not that early. You were supposed to get up and leave a couple hours ago,” I whisper-yelled.
He peered around. “What time is it?”
I didn’t have a clock in my room. I waved my phone around. It was after ten.