Page 62 of Knife to the Heart

“Only for you.” His sweet, dirty words cascaded swells of pleasure through her core. Gripping her waist, he sucked and licked, alternating between rough and fast, smooth and slow, until she writhed against his mouth and murmured pleas.

“Do you still want me to take it easy, Snow Angel?”

“God, no.” She arched her back as she collapsed to her forearms. The position raised her hips higher and harder against his mouth.

“Good, because I’m not done devouring you.” He hummed something about never getting enough of her as his teeth scraped against her clit.

“Cannon, I need…”

Before she could voice her desires, he tugged on her ponytail and tilted her head. His tongue lashed her mouth and his hold on her hair tightened, but this wasn’t a kiss. This was an explosion of electric hunger she’d never imagined possible.

Last night, he’d settled her chaotic world. Tonight, he was introducing her to a new dimension of exhilarating chaos she’d never imagined. Nerves fired, muscles spasmed, and desire built from her toes to her fingers and everywhere in between.

Especially the in-between.

Just when she thought she might combust from any more of the pleasurable pandemonium, he slid thick fingers inside of her. She wrenched her mouth from his to breathe as the orgasm mushroomed through her body like a nuclear blast. Explosive ecstasy consumed her, and her knees gave out.

Before her torso hit the mattress, he grabbed her hips tight enough to bruise and shoved her legs wider with a knee. With a growl, he lined up his cock with her pussy that pulsed with release and screamed for more.

He dropped his lips onto her neck. “We’re nowhere near done, Snow Angel.”

His ragged words skating along her skin and the exquisite tease of him so close to home had her panting. “Please, Cannon. Now.”

He pressed his hand to the center of her shoulder blades and pushed her chest into the mattress. The angle shot her hips up even higher. “My rules, remember? I set the pace.”

She bucked her hips against his. “You’re so bossy.”

“So you’ve said.” He fisted her hair in his hand again and exposed her neck. “But you like me bossy when we’re naked.”

His strained words and rough onslaught contrasted with the light kiss he laid under her ear. Her sigh at his sweet touch intensified to a moan as he slid inside. Once he seated himself to the hilt, he leaned over her back and braced his elbows on eitherside of her head. Her legs gave out again. She crashed to the thin mattress, and he followed, his chest glued to her back and his cock even deeper inside her.

Every hard inch of him immobilized her from head to toe. Although she couldn’t see his face, she could feel his hot breath on her neck. Feel his granite hips digging into her back. Feel his strength as he entwined his fingers with hers and gripped so hard she saw stars. She’d never been in a more vulnerable position, yet had never felt so safe.

So free.

So powerful.

“One more rule.” His ragged breath blew into her ear. “All you think about is how good you feel when I fuck you.”

“Yes, so good.” She moaned and bucked her hips up, her need for him slicing through her sharper than any blade.

He held her still with his sinewy body. “Nothing else. You think of nothing but me. Screaming my name while you come is your only objective. Understand?”

“Yes. Yes.” She moaned her submission like a patient in a hypnotic state.

He rocked into her body. The cot hit the wall as he pitched above her, sinking deeper and deeper with each fierce thrust. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you, Snow Angel. Never.”

She didn’t know how long never would last, and she didn’t care. As he claimed her body and her heart, she did what he’d demanded and screamed his name as she came.


The next evening, Cannon grunted a quick goodbye to Irene as he strode past her desk and into his office. With more force than necessary, he slammed the door behind him. The crash against the frame didn’t bring as much satisfaction as he’d wanted. Nothing today had been satisfactory.

He yanked off his tie and suit jacket and unbuttoned the top of his dress shirt. Rolling his neck, he tried to work out the tension. Muscles popped, and his eyes teared from strain and fatigue. He didn’t bemoan the lack of sleep though. After he’d thoroughly taken Rosalie out of her tortured head yesterday, they’d left the break room for his office, where he’d learned that every single inch of her body tasted as decadent as both sets of her lips.

Now, he wanted to throw something. Punching his bag sounded good, too, but he doubted even that would pull him back from the edge he walked. Instead, he rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. It had been a long, frustrating day of talking to the police, the FBI, and Paul’s family. His biggest frustration was the drug trial organizers. He couldn’t put them off any longer. They’d given him until tomorrow to present the restored data, or they’d move the trial to another hospital.

He stalked to the small conference room next to his office. When he’d poked his head in a few hours earlier, Rosalie and Karl had been so deep in some sort of techie zone, they hadn’t even looked up from their keyboards. This time, he shoved the door open and barged inside. “Take a break, Karl. I need to talk to Rosalie alone.”