"What? According to Moloch every second counts."

"It might, but I still haven't decided if I want to do this."

"What?" Ibellowed. "Of course you will. Didn't you hear him say that this… thing will eventually cut off your oxygen supply?"

"I did, but I also heard him say that this procedure might kill me," she argued reasonably.

The rock in my chest grew heavier and began to sink down into my stomach. I didn't think I could take the pain of losing her.

"You will not die during the procedure," I ordered.

"Garth." She placed her hand on mine and I stared at her delicate fingers—so fragile. I swallowed. Nocc, nothing could ever happen to her. I wouldn't allow it.

"I understand your concerns," Caceax Adrtet addressed both of us. "Let me assure you I have done this procedure multiple times. Always with a satisfactory outcome."

"See, that right there, worries me," I snarled. I knew I was being rude, but couldn't help it. This was about Silla. "What exactly do you mean by satisfactory."

"But you have never done this on a human?" Silla asked, brushing my argument to the side.

"I have not, Lady Silla, but I have already acquainted myself with your species as much as possible on the journey here."

"You have?" Silla smiled at him.

"Vra, and I'm aware of the time constraints your oxygen-hungry brain imposes on us."

"I'm still not convinced I should do this," Silla reiterated her earlier objection.

"Why in the gods' names not? They said you would die if you didn't," I exploded.

"And if they do this I might become brain-dead or die anyway," she said in a soothing voice, rubbing her hand up and down my arm. "Garth, I still have so much to do. The other humans—"

"Don't matter," I growled.

"You don't mean that. I know you don't."

I could have argued to the contrary, but this wasn't what I wanted to argue with her about, so I let her believe whatever she wanted on this matter.

"You won't be able to help them if you die," I said in a constricted voice.

"But I can set plans in motions, I can—"

"Nocc, Silla." I shook my head.

"Garth, please listen to me."

The gods help me, I couldn't. Just thinking about the risky procedure the medtechs were considering doing to her made my heart beat erratically and made me feel like I wanted to punch something. But the thought of her dyingwas enough to make me want to declare war on somebody just to vent my anger and… fear.


For the first time in my life I experienced real fear.

"I can't lose you Silla, I just can't." I shook my head and swallowed down a lump.

"Would you please leave us?" Silla requested of the medtechs.

Her arms moved around my waist and she held me tight when we were alone. I pulled her against me with all the desperation I felt. "Silla."

"I love you, Garth."