I licked my lips and allowed his words to sink in, to fill me. Warmth spread through my chest and I smiled widely at him. "I love you too."

Just a few daysafter things had finally started to settle into a routine, I received a comm from Meloch, my senior medtech, who wanted to see Silla and me as soon as possible.

Predictably Silla balked at the idea of leaving her human charges even at the lure of possibly changing her skin tone back to normal.

"It's up to you, Silla. I love you either way, no matter what you look like," I said. "But we need to find out if this will affect your health."

"Oh, so you think I look horrible," she hissed, catching me by surprise, because that wasn't at all what I meant when I said I loved her either way.

"Nocc, Silla, that's not what I meant, andyou know it."

She sighed. "I know. I'm sorry I snapped at you. It's just that we're in the middle of building—"

"We are always going to be in the middle of something." I didn't let her finish. Realizing that she was scared, I pulled her against my chest. "Whatever this is, mekarry, we will face it together, alright?"

Her body loosened slightly against mine and she nodded. Her arms moved and I watched her thoughtfully assessing her gray skin color.

"Alright," she agreed. "When do we go?"

Not wanting to chance something coming up or her changing her mind, I said, "Now."

A ferry was always on standby in case somebody became critically injured or sick so we could take them to the nearest medical station or theVyper. As much as we liked to live a traditional life, a life was always more valuable than keeping to the old ways.

It didn't take long before we entered the med sector, where we found no sign of life besides Meloch.

"It's always quiet when we are planet side," Meloch said in lieu of a greeting, as if he had read our minds.

"If you would have a seat here, Lady Silla," he pointed at a hoveringexamination table.

Now that we were here, I allowed my worry to shine through, "What did you find?"

"It took us a long time to split the molecules of the dye the Cryons injected her with. The way the dye works is that only a small amount is necessary to be injected. The molecules act like a virus, they spread and attach themselves to the cells in your body that carry oxygen. In your case, Lady Silla, your red blood cells."

Silla’s head was lowered and she stared at her hands in deep contemplation. I knew her altered skin tone was more than a sore subject for her, so I took over the conversation with Meloch. "Do they pose a threat to her health?"

"In time, the dye molecules will thicken, and slowly choke the red blood cells." Meloch confirmed my deepest fears. I wasn't a medtech, but I understood that the cells carrying oxygen were vital to a body's function and survival.

"Did you find anything to reverse this?"

Meloch nodded but I didn't like the somewhat gravely expression on his face. "Vra."

"Just spit it out." Silla looked up.

"We need to do a complete blood wash. In layman's terms, we need to drain you of all your blood and flush your entire circulatory system before we can refill you with donated blood," Moloch explained.

"How dangerous is this procedure?" I pushed out as dark worries began to tentacle their way into my brain.

"I'm not going to lie, as far as I know this has never been done on a human being before. I myself have only once performed this procedure, on a Moggadesh, in med training."

"Are there any other medtechs with more experience?" I demanded.

"I have already contacted my teacher, Caceax Adrtet, he is already on his way here," Moloch informed us.

A choked sob had me rushing to Silla’s side to hold her hand. Her eyes were wide with worry and fear. "Who is Caceax Adrtet?"

"A caceax is a title to show that someone is very distinct in a field, in this case the medical field," I explained, realizing I was rambling to buy some time to digest Moloch's news. "A caceax can be distinguished in any field as long as he or she is the leading expert in it."

Silla placed a hand on my arm and gave me a weak smile. "It's okay, Garth, I'll be fine."