I didn't know how long I lay there, staring at the ceiling with Silla in my arms, while thoughts drifted through me like stormy clouds, but at some point I must have fallen asleep as well.

Only to awaken to the mother of all erections.

Silla had shifted in my arms sometime during our sleep and now one of her luscious tits, one I had gotten to know so well and would have loved to be reacquainted with, pressed into my ribs and chest. One of her arms had found its way close enough to my cock to barely touch him, making me yearn for her small hand to fist him, pump him, and make me come like I never hadbefore.

Her head was upturned, her lips slightly parted so I could make out her pink tongue curled inside her mouth, bringing all kinds of erotic images to my mind.

Careful not to disturb her I tried to disentangle myself from her, before I succumbed to the temptation and kissed her.

Something I didn't think she would appreciate just yet. I wasn't fool enough to think our forced encounter would make her receptive to more advances of mine. Not without me putting some effort into it. And as much I longed to kiss her, I didn't think she was the kind of person to give herself up that easily.

I didn't know why I thought that, I didn't know her, it was more of an impression I got from her.

No matter how careful I was though, when I tried to slide out from under her head, she stirred. Her long eyelashes fluttered and then I was glad I was still there.

Nothing I had ever seen compared to the amazing sight of her awakening. At first her eyes were still unfocused and confusion was written all over them, but I could tell the moment she recognized me and that's when she smiled at me. The brightest smile I had ever seen from her.

"Good morning," she said in a raspy, sleepy voice.

"Good morning," I echoed even though it wasn't something we said or greeted one another with. But I liked it. And I promisedmyself that every morning for the rest of my life we would wake up like this.

Embarrassment crossed her features as the events from last night must have come back to her. "I hope I didn't inconvenience you too much."

"Not at all," I assured her. "You seemed to sleep better during the last few hours."

Her face darkened and I felt her embarrassment. "Yes, thank you. No more nightmares."

She rose and excused herself to use the bathroom and with a sigh I rose as well. By now Emperor Daryus would have not only received my message, but undoubtedly would have heard from King Crough. As much as I dreaded this conversation, I was no coward and decided to get this over with.

As soon as I was seated behind my desk, I opened the comm portal and didn't have to wait long until a life-sized holograph of Daryus appeared in the middle of my office.

"What the everlasting frygg were you thinking, Garth? Do you have any idea how many millions of credits you cost me? Besides the damage you wrought, the wergild is ridiculous, no frygging Cryon is worth this many credits! I had to send Xandros to Colynth to smooth things over. I had to wake him in the middle of the night and you knowhow much he hates this and the frygging Cryons. What the frygg, Garth?"

I waited another heartbeat, sure Daryus wasn't quite done yet. And rightly so.

His hand moved through his hair in agitation as he paced my office some more. "Frygg, Garth, pray tell me one good reason why I shouldn't frygging make you a farmer and give your protectorate as payment to the frygging Cryons."

Daryus's language wasn't always this colorful; he only showed this side of himself to Xandros and me. We were all the same age and often referred to as the terrible triplets as we grew up.

I suspected us spending so much time together had been done by design to assure Daryus would be surrounded by tightly knitted friends when he rose to become emperor. The tactic had worked—we would all give our lives for one another.

"Because you hate the Cryons. You don't want them as part of your empire, much less a neighbor in our galaxy," I said, leaning back in my chair.

"Frygg, Garth," he cursed, and I sensed he had finally blown off enough steam to have a conversation.

I was wrong. "You owe me several millions in credits for your little stunt, and I'm still not convinced I'm not going to turnyou into a farmer and make somebody else protector of your protectorate."

"Please don't," Silla suddenly cried out, entering the room. "He only tried to help me. The Cryons are evil, they—"

Daryus turned to stare at her curiously while I rose from my chair. Daryus was only a hologram, he wouldn't be able to hurt her, yet every muscle in my body tensed at Silla's sudden appearance.

I didn't know how much she had overheard, but whatever she had, I was sure she came to the wrong conclusions.

"Silla," I interrupted her. "Meet our emperor, Daryus. Daryus, this is Silla, given to me by King Crough as a gift."

"A gift?" Daryus's lips turned sarcastic as did his voice. "Since when does a lord protector receivegiftsfrom the Cryons?"

Daryus was a great male, a great emperor, but ever since a few protectors had tried to overthrow him when he became emperor too young, he was more than wary of any slight or overstep a lord protector might make. And rightly so.