"I already know you are the only merrily for me for the rest of my life. Will you take me as your mate and make me the happiest male alive?"

My hand flew to my chest when he pulled a ring out of his pocket, holding it out to me. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. The ring itself was gold, set with tiny shimmering stones around with a large,orange-red stone in the center that reminded me of a fire, small flames seemed to swirl inside.

"It reminded me of the fire in you I noticed the first time I saw you," he whispered as I tentatively put my hand out to the ring, I clasped his hands, raising him from his knees until he towered over me.

"Yes, vra!" I cried, throwing my arms around his neck and pressing my face into his chest.

His hands grabbed me around the waist and he twirled me around, making the hem of my dress spin.

"Vra?" he asked, lifting me high above him.

I leaned my face down and pressed my lips against his.

"Vra," I confirmed.

Behind us the aliens pumped fists sideways into the air by their hips, making sounds of approval, and I guessed this to be the alien equivalent of applause.

My face heated and slowly Garth let me down. Questioningly he took my hands, unsure which hand and which finger he was supposed to put the ring on.

Quickly I put my left hand out, spreading my fingers and wiggling the ring finger. With a smile he pushed the gemstone ring over it.

For a moment I panicked that it wouldn't fit, but whatever material the ring was made of, adapted perfectly to my digit.

"Thank you." I stared up at him.

"Thank you," he replied, and I saw tension draining from him. "I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life," he confessed.

"You didn't think I would say yes?"

"I was fairly sure, but there was that tiny little nagging voice in the back of my head." He smiled wryly and in that moment I realized I was falling in love with him. Truly and deeply.

Which was good, since I had just pledged my life to him.

"What happens next?" he asked.

"The couple gets married and lives happily ever after." I smiled. "Oh and between that they go on a honeymoon."

"A honeymoon?"

"A vacation," I tried, realizing he probably didn't know that word either. "They go to a place where they can be alone, swim in the ocean, and get to know each other better for an extended period of time," I fibbed a bit, making the honeymoon sound more like what I envisioned it to be, but otherwise it would have been a too-lengthy explanation.Later, I eased my conscience,I will explain more later when we are alone.

"Well, I have to take you to Astrionis. I've been away too long, but I promise later I will take you on this…honeymoon."

He tugged me toward Daryus, who stood imperiously in front of the still-gathered crowd. "In the meantime, Emperor Daryus will officially mate us."

What? Now?

Both men stared at me expectantly, I had agreed to marry him, that was true, but I hadn't realized we would be wed right away.

"Humans get engaged first for a while," I hedged.

"When a Pandraxian male meets his mekarry, they mate officially at the first opportunity," Daryus explained.

I swallowed, and searched my conscience for why I was hesitating. I had just agreed to marry him.But you have only known him for a few days and an engagement is meant to give a couple time to get to know each other, my mind supplied.

The strange thing was that I wanted to marry him, I wanted to be by his side always. And not only because he gave me the protection I so craved, he had offered me another way before, but I wantedhim.

My hesitation was simply born from conventions stamped into me saying that one shouldn't marry within days of knowing each other. So I searched my mind and heart, determining if it truly only was conventions holding me back and when the answer was yes, I beamed at Garth.