"Do you want to stay here?"

I bit my lowerlip. "I…"

Gently he took my chin into his hand and lifted my head. "You are free to stay wherever you like, but honestly, I prefer you in my quarters."

A warm shudder of pleasure moved through me. "I don't want to be a burden."

His lips quirked. "If you were a burden, you would be the sweetest one I ever carried."

Silla's question caught meoff guard and for a moment a different kind of terror, the kind I had never known before, rushed through me. This was different from battle anticipation, this was straight-up terror from fear of losingher.

At that moment I realized that I never wanted to be without her again. Couldn't be without her.

The answer I had given her in the human quarters had been that of acivilizedmale, the kind of male I became whenever I spent too much time on Pandrax or in space. Places where I had to watch what I said and did, lest I offended the sensitive minds of courtiers. But that wasn't me. Not really.

The barbarian me would have given her a different answer, nocc, strike that, the barbarian me would have slung her over his shoulder and carried her off to his quarters where he would have fucked her senseless. He would have fucked her until she would have known exactly where I wanted her to be.

I lost against fighting that side of me the moment we stepped foot into the hallway, where I pinned her against the wall. "You are my gift. You were given to me, you are MINE!" I growled.

A flush moved through her and the sweet scent of her arousal filled my nostrils as they flared.

"You belong with me."

"Even if I don't want to?" she demanded.

I would never force her—never. Even primitive me wasn't that kind of male.

She was a pretty picture though, as she stood flush against the wall with her tits heaving and her outraged expression.

I had her pinned between my two arms as the flat of my palms pressed into the wall, only inches separated our faces. I hunched my shoulders to get closer to her and lifted one arm off the wall. With my knuckles I drew the outline of her body, barely touching her flesh, which quivered underneath me.

"Nocc, I would never force you," I rasped, "but I think you want to stay with me."

Her breathing quickened, raising her tits up and down in quick succession. "I have ways of making you want to stay."

My mouth hovered inches from hers, her honey-colored eyes darkened with desire and her arousal intensified. I cupped one of her breasts and wiped my thumb over her hardening nipple through her shirt. She moaned. She wanted me.

That knowledge hardened my cock and filled me with immense pleasure. She was MINE and I would show her.

I crushed my lips against hers, which opened to welcome my tongue as she rose on her tiptoes to meet me.

With a self-satisfied groan I took my other hand off the wall, placed it around her waist, and pulled her up against me. Her feet hovered above the ground for only a tick before she wrapped both legs around my hips, pressing her cunt against my loins.

The little keening sounds escaping her only spurred me on as I grabbed her ass with one hand and buried my other in her hair. Her tongue darted from left to right and right to left, in a game of tease, daring me to hunt it down and arousing me even more with the way it played coy while her pussy gyrated against my loins. For a moment I stilled, gatheringmy self-control before I would come inside my breeches like an untrained pup.

I needed to fuck her, now!

But not here, not in the hallway where anybody could come by.

I had been closely involved when theVyperwas built and if memory served, there was a drone dock not far from here.

Never moving my lips from hers, forcing her tongue to roll with mine, she whimpered with need as I strode with her clinging to my body toward the drone dock.

I had to free my hand from her hair to press my palm against the reader, but as soon as the doors opened, I entangled my fingers back into her soft hair.

The drone dock was a small room, filled with charging stations for the little robots after they finished their cleaning runs. Right now only three were parked in their spots. There wasn't enough room to lay her down, but that wasn't what I had in mind anyway.

I slammed her into the next free wall and turned her over, ripping her pants in one fluid motion, as she stretched her arms out to press against the wall. Her naked ass tantalized me and I allowed myself a moment to caress her luscious backside. Groaning I grabbed a fistful of herflesh, massaged it as she stretched herself even deeper into my hand, softly moaning.