Tears prickled my eyes at the thought that he cared and was investing his time for me. "Thank you."

"Don't thank him. I suspect this is more of a challenge for him than a favor to you," Garth remarked dryly.

"Anything for a beautiful merrily," Meloch said with another wink.

Garth took a step forward, placing an arm protectively—or was it possessively—around my waist. Either way, I rather liked his display of chauvinism, nobody had ever acted this way toward me.

On one of the beds, I spied the little boy who had been on the same transporter as me and squealed in delight at having found him again. I twisted out of Garth's arm and rushed to the bed where he lay with his back to me, curled up and looking utterly forlorn.

I slowed when I got closer, I didn't want to scare him. Gently I placed a hand on his shoulder, and quietly I said, "Hey."

He stiffened under my touch and I used my other hand to brush it up and down his arm. "Do you remember me? We were on the same transporter. My name is Silla."

His head turned slightly and he looked up at me with big brown eyes. Next thing I knew, he lunged himself at me with such force, I stumbled back and would have fallen, had not two strong hands supported my back.

"I want to go home," he wailed and I slung my arms around him, holding him tight.

"Me too," I told him. "But we're safe here, these aliens came to our rescue."

"I want my mom!" he sobbed.

"I know, honey." My heart went out to him as I rubbed his back. He couldn't have been older than twelve, caught at that age where he wanted desperately to be a big boy, but was still a kid.

I swallowed hard when I remembered how tough all this had been for me, and I was an adult. How much more traumatizing had this been for a kid?

"What's your name?"

"Kevin," he hiccupped.

"Hey, Kevin." I pried him off me a little so he could look up and I pointed at Garth. "See this big guy here?'

I waited for Kevin to look at Garth, felt him shrink in my arms at the sight of the massive alien, before I said, "He's a very famous warlord. His name is Garth." I gave him another minute to work my words out and to take in Garth's imposing form. "Do you think anybody can get by him?"

Again, I gave the kid time before I added, "I promise you he won't let anything happen to you. He will protect you from the other evil aliens."

"She's right, little warrior. I will keep you safe," Garth said in his deep voice and when I chanced a quick glimpse at him, he didn't scowl or look intimidating atall. His features were relaxed and his eyes filled with warmth. "You have my sworn oath on that."

"I want my mommy," Kevin repeated in a choked voice choking me up. "Will you take me home?"

"Do you remember the Cryons who attacked us?" I asked him, catching his eyes.

He nodded.

"They're still attacking Earth and they haven't told the Pandraxians"—I pointed at Garth—"that's this alien's race, where Earth is located yet."

"So they can't take us home?"

"No, not yet, honey. I'm sorry." I rubbed his arm.

He looked so sad and forlorn, I just wanted to take him into my arms and carry him away from all this, wanted to make things better for him.

"What about mommy? And daddy? How will they know I'm okay?"

"Tell you what, little warrior. We will find your parents first thing after we locate Earth, alright? In the meantime, why don't I teach you how to fight like a male so you can fight the Cryons off and protect your parents when the time comes?" Garth suggested, leaving me speechless.

His words had been simple and yet they appealed to the kid's deepest desires, assured him, and gave him apurpose. Kevin stared at Garth with unequivocal adoration and hero worship after only a few words.

"Will I be as strong as you?"