"I would appreciate it." Gratefully I smiled at him.

"You are not a prisoner on board. It will take us a few days to get to Pandrax. You are welcome to explore the ship at your leisure."

"Thank you." Tears welled in my eyes—tears of gratefulness for such a simple gesture.

"Hold on." Garth got up from his chair and my eyes followed him curiously as he moved back to his desk, where at a push with his fingers, a drawer popped out. He retrieved something and brought it over to me. It looked like atablet.

"Here, I would feel much better if you took this comm with you. That way, should you get lost, I can come find you, or you can even call up a map to see where aboard the ship you are."

Tentatively I tapped the top of my pointer finger against the flat surface of the oval-shaped tablet. Or would that be called an ovlet?

Instantly the screen sprang to life with a logo declaring it to be the property of the Pandraxian Empire, making me marvel at my translator chip giving me the ability to not only speak and understand alien languages, but to decipher their writing as well. I tapped again and the screen changed, giving me an array of at least fifty smaller logos or apps, I wasn't sure what they would be called here.

Garth crouched down next to me, his thigh pressed against mine intimately, reminding me of our flesh pounding against each other, and a wave of longing moved through my pussy.Concentrate, Silla, I chided myself.

"Here." He was so close that I felt his warm breath caress my cheek and I closed my eyes to bathe in his nearness. "This icon will open a map of the ship. Hold on one tick." He tapped a few icons in quick succession. "Press your finger here," he prompted.

I did and the tablet chimed.

"Now it's synced with your translator chip, see, this blip is you."

In disbelief, I stared at the massive ship I was on. It was at least thirty stories high, and probably five times as long.

"Are all your ships this big?" I couldn't help but ask.

"TheVyperis one of our smaller ships, but fully equipped in case of an attack."

"Attack? Who would attack you?"

"We are at war with the Moggadesh Coalition, but there are other species out there who like to poke us every now and then."

He was still crouched by my side and now his hand lay on my thigh to keep his balance. The warmth of his palm seemed to sear through my skin, and fluttering sensations, originating from there, flowed through my body.

His head lifted—crouched we were just about eye level—and his intense eyes landed on mine and darkened.

"I am going to kiss you now," he stated matter of factly in a deep voice.

"Okayyyy," I breathlessly drew the word out.

His hand that had rested on my thigh moved up, behind my head, burrowed into it my hair, and gently pushed my head forward. All the while my heart beat as hard as a drum being played by a drummeron speed.

My eyes closed as our lips neared one another and a jolt rushed through me when they met. With a moan and in a fluid motion, Garth rose, pulling me up with him as his shoulders hunched forward to accommodate my shorter frame.

I opened my mouth and his tongue entered, probing, searching, conquering. With a deep groan he pulled me closer, my belly button pressed against his hardening cock, showing me how much he wanted me.

I slung my arms around his neck and with another groan his free hand found my ass, lifting me off the ground. I spread my legs and wrapped them around his hips, pressing my pussy brazenly against the engorged length of his shaft.

I was only half aware that he was carrying me somewhere and it was only when my back made contact with the mattress that I realized where he took me.

"Tell me nocc and I will stop," he mumbled, his hands roaming my body, pushing against the waist of my pants.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" he demanded.

My head fell back as his lips trailed down my neck. "Yes, yes. Oh yes," I replied, arching against him.

"Good"—he tore my pants off—"because I really don't want totake another cold shower."

My hands moved up underneath his black shirt, caressed his incredibly hard torso, and moved over the hard ridges of his veins and muscles. Just as I remembered from my drugged mind, he was hard as a rock. Muscles rippled underneath my palms, so many, so corded, it should have been illegal.